Word Study
awkward squad
awkward squad,
A squad of inapt recruits assembled for special drill. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
awkward squad
N bungler, blunderer, blunderhead, marplot, fumbler, lubber, duffer, dauber, stick, bad hand, poor hand, poor shot, butterfingers, no conjurer, flat, muff, slow coach, looby, lubber, swab, clod, yokel, awkward squad, blanc-bec, galoot, land lubber, fresh water sailor, fair weather sailor, horse marine, fish out of water, ass in lion's skin, jackdaw in peacock's feathers, quack, lord of misrule, sloven, slattern, trapes, amateur, novice, greenhorn (learner), il n'a pas invente' la poudre, he will never set the Thames on fire, acierta errando, aliquis in omnibus nullus in singulis.
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