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Verb deplane has 1 sense
- deplane(v = verb.motion) - get off an airplane; is one way to get off
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s
deplane, v. esp. US 1 intr. disembark from an aeroplane.
2 tr. remove from an aeroplane.
2 tr. remove from an aeroplane.
alight, come to land, debark, debus, detrain, disembark, disemplane, dock, drop anchor, go ashore, land, make a landfall, make land, make port, moor, put in, put into port, reach land, tie up, unboatROGET THESAURUS
VB arrive, get to, come to, come, reach, attain, come up with, come up to, overtake, make, fetch, complete, join, rejoin, light, alight, dismount, land, go ashore, debark, disembark, put in, put into, visit, cast anchor, pitch one's tent, sit down, get to one's journey's end, make the land, be in at the death, come back, get back, come home, get home, return, come in, make one's appearance, drop in, detrain, deplane, outspan, de-orbit, come to hand, come at, come across, hit, come upon, light upon, pop upon, bounce upon, plump upon, burst upon, pitch upon, meet, encounter, rencounter, come in contact.
For further exploring for "deplane" in Webster Dictionary Online