Word Study
Noun desuetude has 1 sense
desuetude, n. a state of disuse (the custom fell into desuetude).
F d{eacute}su{eacute}tude or L desuetudo (as DE-, suescere suet- be accustomed)
abandonment, absentation, abstention, abstinence, casting away, cease, cessation, close, closing, closure, conclusion, discontinuance, discontinuation, disuse, end, ending, evacuation, forsaking, jettison, jettisoning, leaving, nonemployment, nonprevalence, nonuse, obsolescence, obsoleteness, obsoletion, obsoletism, pensioning off, pulling out, retirement, superannuation, throwing overboard, unprevalence, withdrawalROGET THESAURUS
N desuetude, disusage, obsolescence, disuse, want of habit, want of practice, inusitation, newness to, new brooms, infraction of usage, nonprevalence, a custom more honored in the breach than the obser, unaccustomed, unused, unwonted, unseasoned, uninured, unhabituated, untrained, new, green, unhackneyed, unusual, nonobservant, disused.Relinquishment
N relinquishment, abandonment, desertion, defection, secession, withdrawal, cave of Adullam, nolle prosequi, discontinuance, renunciation, abrogation, resignation, desuetude, cession, unpursued, relinquished, relinquishing, Int, avast!, aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben, entbehre gern was du nicht hast, relinquishment, abandonment, renunciation, expropriation, dereliction, cession, surrender, dispensation, quitclaim deed, resignation, riddance, derelict, foundling, jetsam, waif, discards, culls, rejects, garbage, refuse, rubbish, relinquished, cast off, derelict, unowned, unappropriated, unculled, left, Int, away with!.Disuse
N disuse, forbearance, abstinence, disuse, relinquishment, desuetude, disusage, not used, unemployed, unapplied, undisposed of, unspent, unexercised, untouched, untrodden, unessayed, ungathered, unculled, uncalled for, not required, disused, done with.
For further exploring for "desuetude" in Webster Dictionary Online