Word Study
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Noun disinclination has 2 senses
- disinclination(n = noun.feeling) Array - that toward which you are inclined to feel dislike; "his disinclination for modesty is well known" is a kind of dislike
- disinclination(n = noun.attribute) hesitancy, hesitation, indisposition, reluctance - a certain degree of unwillingness; "a reluctance to commit himself"; "his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition"; "after some hesitation he agreed" has particulars: sloth, slothfulness
Antonym: inclination
is a kind of involuntariness, unwillingness
Derived form verb disincline1
disinclination, n. (usu. foll. by for, or to + infin.) the absence of willingness; a reluctance (a disinclination for work; disinclination to go).
antipathy, averseness, aversion, backwardness, bad books, cursoriness, disaffection, disaffinity, disagreement, disapprobation, disapproval, disfavor, dislike, disliking, disobedience, displeasure, disrelish, dissatisfaction, dissent, distaste, foot-dragging, fractiousness, grudging consent, grudgingness, indisposedness, indisposition, indocility, intractableness, lack of enthusiasm, lack of zeal, mutinousness, nolition, obstinacy, opposition, perfunctoriness, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, refractoriness, refusal, reluctance, renitence, renitency, repugnance, resistance, slowness, stubbornness, sulk, sulkiness, sulks, sullenness, unenthusiasm, unwillingnessROGET THESAURUS
N unwillingness, indisposition, indisposedness, disinclination, aversation, nolleity, nolition, renitence, renitency, reluctance, indifference, backwardness, slowness, want of alacrity, want of readiness, indocility, scrupulousness, scrupulosity, qualms of conscience, twinge of conscience, delicacy, demur, scruple, qualm, shrinking, recoil, hesitation, fastidiousness, averseness, dissent, refusal, unwilling, not in the vein, loth, loath, shy of, disinclined, indisposed, averse, reluctant, not content, adverse, laggard, backward, remiss, slack, slow to, indifferent, scrupulous, squeamish, repugnant, restiff, restive, demurring, unconsenting, involuntary, unwillingly, grudgingly, with a heavy heart, with a bad, with an ill grace, against one's wishes, against one's will, against the grain, sore against one's wishes, sore against one's will, sore against one's grain, invita Minerva, a contre caeur, malgre soi, in spite of one's teeth, in spite of oneself, nolens volens, perforce, under protest, no, not for the world, far be it from me.Dislike
N dislike, distaste, disrelish, disinclination, displacency, reluctance, backwardness, repugnance, disgust, queasiness, turn, nausea, loathing, averseness, aversation, aversion, abomination, antipathy, abhorrence, horror, mortal antipathy, rooted antipathy, mortal horror, rooted horror, hatred, detestation, hate, animosity, hydrophobia, canine madness, byssa, xenophobia, sickener, gall and wormwood, shuddering, cold sweat, disliking, averse from, loathe, loathe to, loth, adverse, shy of, sick of, out of conceit with, disinclined, heartsick, dogsick, queasy, disliked, uncared for, unpopular, out of favor, repulsive, repugnant, repellant, abhorrent, insufferable, fulsome, nauseous, loathsome, loathful, offensive, disgusting, disagreeable c, (painful), usque ad nauseam, Int, faugh!, foh!, ugh!, non libet.
For further exploring for "disinclination" in Webster Dictionary Online