Word Study
fighting joe hooker |
fighting man |
fightingly |
fightwite |
figment |
figment of the imagination
| figmental
| figpecker
| figulate
| figulated
| figuline
figment of the imagination
figment of the imagination
apparition, appearance, brainchild, bubble, chimera, delirium, eidolon, fancy, fantasque, fantasy, fiction, figment, figure, form, hallucination, idle fancy, idolum, illusion, image, imagery, imagination, imagining, insubstantial image, invention, maggot, make-believe, myth, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantom, presence, romance, shade, shadow, shape, sick fancy, specter, thick-coming fancies, trip, vapor, vision, waking dream, whim, whimsy, wildest dream, wildest dreams, wraith
For further exploring for "figment of the imagination" in Webster Dictionary Online