Word Study
gay deceiver
gay deceiver
Artful Dodger, Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, Machiavel, Machiavelli, Machiavellian, actor, bamboozler, befuddler, beguiler, charmer, counterfeiter, debauchee, deceiver, deluder, dissembler, dissimulator, dodger, double-dealer, duper, enchanter, entrancer, faker, fooler, forger, gallant, gay dog, hoaxer, hypnotizer, jilt, jilter, joker, jokester, kidder, lady-killer, leg-puller, libertine, lover-boy, mesmerizer, misleader, philanderer, plagiarist, plagiarizer, playactor, practical joker, profligate, ragger, rake, rakehell, rip, role-player, roue, rounder, seducer, skirt chaser, spoofer, swinger, tease, teaser, walking phallus, wanton, wolf, woman chaser, womanizerROGET THESAURUS
gay deceiver
N libertine, voluptuary, rake, debauchee, loose fish, rip, rakehell, fast man, intrigant, gallant, seducer, fornicator, lecher, satyr, goat, whoremonger, paillard, adulterer, gay deceiver, Lothario, Don Juan, Bluebeard, chartered libertine, adulteress, advoutress, courtesan, prostitute, strumpet, harlot, whore, punk, fille de joie, woman, woman of the town, streetwalker, Cyprian, miss, piece, frail sisterhood, demirep, wench, trollop, trull, baggage, hussy, drab, bitch, jade, skit, rig, quean, mopsy, slut, minx, harridan, unfortunate, unfortunate female, unfortunate woman, woman of easy virtue, wanton, fornicatress, Jezebel, Messalina, Delilah, Thais, Phryne, Aspasia, Lais, lorette, cocotte, petite dame, grisette, demimonde, chippy, sapphist, spiritual wife, white slave, concubine, mistress, doxy, chere amie, bona roba, pimp, procurer, pander, pandar, bawd, conciliatrix, procuress, mackerel, wittol.
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