Word Study
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half step |
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half title |
half tone
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half tone
half tone, n.
- An intermediate or middle tone in a painting, engraving, photograph, etc.; a middle tint, neither very dark nor very light. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
- A half step. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
- A print obtained by the half-tone photo-engraving process. [PJC]
- the etched plate used to reproduce a half-tone illustration. [WordNet 1.5]
half tone
N engraving, chalcography, line engraving, mezzotint engraving, stipple engraving, chalk engraving, dry point, bur, etching, aquatinta, chiseling, plate engraving, copperplate engraving, steel engraving, wood engraving, xylography, lignography, glyptography, cerography, lithography, chromolithography, photolithography, zincography, glyphography, xylograph, lignograph, glyptograph, cerograph, lithograph, chromolithograph, photolithograph, zincograph, glyphograph, holograph, impression, print, engraving, plate, steelplate, copperplate, etching, mezzotint, aquatint, lithotint, cut, woodcut, stereotype, graphotype, autotype, heliotype, graver, burin, etching point, style, plate, stone, wood block, negative, die, punch, stamp, printing, plate printing, copperplate printing, anastatic printing, color printing, lithographic printing, type printing, three-color process, illustration, illumination, half tone, photogravure, vignette, initial letter, cul de lampe, tailpiece, lapidary, lapidarian, insculptured, engraved, lapidary, sculpsit, imprimit.
For further exploring for "half tone" in Webster Dictionary Online