Word Study
indo-hittite |
indo-iranian |
indo-iranian language |
indoaniline |
indochina |
| indochinese peninsula
| indocibility
| indocible
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indochinese, prop. a. [Indo- + Chinese.].
- Of or pertaining to Indo-China (
i. e. , Farther India, or India beyond the Ganges). [1913 Webster] - Of or pert. to the Mongoloid races of India, esp. Farther India, or designating, or of, their languages."Tradition and comparative philology agree in pointing to northwestern China, between the upper courses of the Yang-tsekiang and of the Ho-ang-ho, as the original home of the Indo-Chinese race." [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
For further exploring for "indochinese" in Webster Dictionary Online