Word Study
like clockwork |
like crazy |
like hell |
like kings |
like mad |
like minded
| like royalty
| like sin
| like the devil
| like thunder
| like-minded
like minded
like minded
accordant, affirmative, agreeable, agreeing, akin, amicable, answerable, at one, at one with, attuned, carried by acclamation, coexistent, coexisting, coherent, coincident, coinciding, commensurate, compatible, concordant, concurrent, concurring, conformable, congenial, congruent, congruous, consentaneous, consentient, consistent, consonant, cooperating, cooperative, correspondent, corresponding, empathetic, empathic, en rapport, equivalent, frictionless, harmonious, in accord, in agreement, in concert, in rapport, in sync, in synchronization, in tune, inaccordance, inharmony, of a piece, of like mind, of one accord, of one mind, on all fours, peaceful, positive, proportionate, reconcilable, self-consistent, solid, symbiotic, sympathetic, synchronized, synchronous, together, unanimous, unchallenged, uncontested, uncontradicted, uncontroverted, understanding, uniform, unisonant, unisonous, united, unopposed, with one consent, with one voice
For further exploring for "like minded" in Webster Dictionary Online