Word Study
Verb misrepresent has 2 senses
- misrepresent(v = verb.communication) belie - represent falsely; "This statement misrepresents my intentions" is one way to represent
- misrepresent(v = verb.social) cook, fake, falsify, fudge, manipulate, wangle - tamper, with the purpose of deception; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data" is one way to cheat, chisel
Derived form noun misrepresentation1
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
Something ----s something
Derived form noun misrepresentation1
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something
misrepresent, v. t.
To represent incorrectly (almost always, unfavorably); to give a false or erroneous representation of, either maliciously, ignorantly, or carelessly. Swift. [1913 Webster]
misrepresent, v. i.
To make an incorrect or untrue representation. Milton. [1913 Webster]
misrepresent, v.tr. represent wrongly; give a false or misleading account or idea of.
misrepresentation n. misrepresentative adj.
belie, bias, burlesque, camouflage, caricature, cloak, color, confuse, counterfeit, disguise, dissemble, distort, dress, dress up, embellish, embroider, equivocate, exaggerate, falsify, feign, fudge, garble, gild, gloss, gloss over, lie, mangle, mask, miscite, miscolor, misconstrue, misdirect, misinterpret, misquote, misrender, misreport, misstate, misteach, misuse, overdraw, overstate, palter, parody, pervert, prevaricate, simulate, slant, strain, titivate, torture, travesty, trick out, twist, understate, varnish, warp, weasel, whitewash, wrench, wrestROGET THESAURUS
& Sophistry
VB judge intuitively, judge by intuition, hazard a proposition, hazard a guess, talk at random, reason ill, falsely, misjudge, paralogize, take on faith, take as a given, assume (supposition), pervert, quibble, equivocate, mystify, evade, elude, gloss over, varnish, misteach, mislead, cavil, refine, subtilize, split hairs, misrepresent, beg the question, reason in a circle, reason in circles, assume the conclusion, cut blocks with a razor, beat about the bush, play fast and loose, play fast and loose with the facts, blow hot and cold, prove that black is white and white black, travel out of the record, parler a tort et a travers, put oneself out of court, not have a leg to stand on, judge hastily, shoot from the hip, jump to conclusions (misjudgment).Misinterpretation
VB misinterpret, misapprehend, misunderstand, misconceive, misspell, mistranslate, misconstrue, misapply, mistake, misrepresent, pervert, explain wrongly, misstate, garble, distort, detort, travesty, play upon words, stretch the sense, strain the sense, stretch the meaning, strain the meaning, wrest the sense, wrest the meaning, explain away, put a bad construction on, put a false construction on, give a false coloring, be at cross purposes, play at cross purposes.Misteaching
VB misinform, misteach, misdescribe, misinstruct, miscorrect, misdirect, misguide, pervert, put on a false scent, throw off the scent, throw off the trail, deceive, mislead, misrepresent, lie, ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces, propagandize, disinform, render unintelligible, bewilder, mystify, unteach, propagandist.Falsehood
VB be false, be a liar, speak falsely, tell a lie, lie, fib, lie like a trooper, swear false, forswear, perjure oneself, bear false witness, misstate, misquote, miscite, misreport, misrepresent, belie, falsify, pervert, distort, put a false construction upon (misinterpret), prevaricate, equivocate, quibble, palter, palter to the understanding, repondre en Normand, trim, shuffle, fence, mince the truth, beat about the bush, blow hot and cold, play fast and loose, garble, gloss over, disguise, give a color to, give a gloss, put a gloss, put false coloring upon, color, varnish, cook, dress up, embroider, varnish right and puzzle wrong, exaggerate, blague, invent, fabricate, trump up, get up, force, fake, hatch, concoct, romance, cry 'wolf!', dissemble, dissimulate, feign, assume, put on, pretend, make believe, play possum, play false, play a double game, coquet, act a part, play a part, affect, simulate, pass off for, counterfeit, sham, make a show of, malinger, say the grapes are sour, cant, play the hypocrite, sham Abraham, faire pattes de velours, put on the mask, clean the outside of the platter, lie like a conjuror, hand out false colors, hold out false colors, sail under false colors, commend the poisoned chalice to the lips, ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces, deceive.Misrepresentation
VB misrepresent, distort, overdraw, exaggerate, caricature, daub, burlesque, parody, travesty.
For further exploring for "misrepresent" in Webster Dictionary Online