



  •  See Nix.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Nothing.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  •  A piece of mail matter which cannot be delivered, either because no post office exists at the place to which is it addressed, or because there is no place of the name mentioned in the designated State, Territory, or the like.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]




N zero, nothing, null, nul, naught, nought, void, cipher, goose egg, none, nobody, no one, nichts, nixie, nix, zilch, zip, zippo, not a soul, ame qui vive, absence, unsubstantiality, not one, not a one, not any, nary a one, not a, never a, not a whit of, not an iota of, not a drop of, not a speck of, not a jot, not a trace of, not a hint of, not a smidgen of, not a suspicion of, not a shadow of, neither hide nor hair of.


N Jupiter, god, goddess, heathen gods and goddesses, deva, Jupiter, Jove, pantheon, Allah, Bathala, Brahm, Brahma, Brahma, cloud-compeller, Devi, Durga, Kali, oread, the Great Spirit, Ushas, water nymph, wood nymph, Yama, Varuna, Zeus, Vishnu, Siva, Shiva, Krishna, Juggernath, Buddha, Isis, Osiris, Ra, Belus, Bel, Baal, Asteroth, Thor, Odin, Mumbo Jumbo, good genius, tutelary genius, demiurge, familiar, sibyl, fairy, fay, sylph, sylphid, Ariel, peri, nymph, nereid, dryad, seamaid, banshee, benshie, Ormuzd, Oberon, Mab, hamadryad, naiad, mermaid, kelpie, Ondine, nixie, sprite, denizens of the air, pixy, mythology, heathen-mythology, fairy-mythology, Lempriere, folklore, god-like, fairy-like, sylph-like, sylphic, you moonshine revelers and shades of night.


N demon, daemon, demonry, demonology, evil genius, fiend, familiar, daeva, devil, bad spirit, unclean spirit, cacodemon, incubus, Eblis, shaitan, succubus, succuba, Frankenstein's monster, Titan, Shedim, Mephistopheles, Asmodeus, Moloch, Belial, Ahriman, fury, harpy, Friar Rush, vampire, ghoul, afreet, barghest, Loki, ogre, ogress, gnome, gin, jinn, imp, deev, lamia, bogie, bogeyman, bogle, nis, kobold, flibbertigibbet, fairy, brownie, pixy, elf, dwarf, urchin, Puck, Robin Goodfellow, leprechaun, Cluricaune, troll, dwerger, sprite, ouphe, bad fairy, nix, nixie, pigwidgeon, will-o'-the wisp, ghost, revenant, specter, apparition, spirit, shade, shadow, vision, hobglobin, goblin, orc, wraith, spook, boggart, banshee, loup-garou, lemures, evil eye, merman, mermaid, merfolk, siren, satyr, faun, manito, manitou, manitu, possession, demonic possession, diabolic possession, insanity, Maxwell's demon, demoniac, demonic, demonical, impish, demoniacal, fiendish, fiend-like, supernatural, weird, uncanny, unearthly, spectral, ghostly, ghost-like, elfin, elvin, elfish, elflike, haunted, pokerish, possessed, possessed by a devil, possessed by a demon, demonically.

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