Word Study
not |
not a bit |
not absolutely |
not accept |
not admit |
not all there
| not at all
| not bad
| not budge
| not buy
| not by a blame sight
not all there
not all there
abnormal, arrested, babbling, backward, bereft of reason, blithering, brainsick, burbling, crackbrained, cracked, crazed, crazy, cretinistic, cretinous, daft, deluded, demented, deprived of reason, deranged, disoriented, distraught, dithering, driveling, drooling, flighty, half-baked, half-witted, hallucinated, idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, insane, irrational, loco, lunatic, mad, maddened, manic, maundering, mazed, mental, mentally defective, mentally deficient, mentally handicapped, mentally retarded, meshuggah, mongoloid, moon-struck, moronic, non compos, non compos mentis, not right, odd, of unsound mind, off, psycho, queer, reasonless, retarded, senseless, sick, simple, simpleminded, simpletonian, slobbering, stark-mad, stark-staring mad, strange, subnormal, tetched, touched, unbalanced, unhinged, unsane, unsettled, unsound, wandering, witless
For further exploring for "not all there" in Webster Dictionary Online