Word Study
obscurant |
obscurantism |
obscurantist |
obscuration |
obscure |
| obscurely
| obscurement
| obscureness
| obscurer
| obscurity
abstruse, armored, beamless, beclouded, bedazzled, between the lines, beyond one, black, black as night, blind, blindfold, blindfolded, buried, caliginous, cased, ceiled, cloaked, close, clouded, coated, complex, complicated, concealed, coped, covered, covert, cowled, crabbed, cramp, cryptic, curtained, dark, dark as night, dark as pitch, darkened, darkling, darksome, dazed, dazzled, delitescent, difficult, dormant, ebon, ebony, eclipsed, encapsulated, encapsuled, encased, enveloped, enwrapped, esoteric, excecate, filmed, floored, garbled, guarded, hard, hard to understand, hibernating, hid, hidden, hooded, hoodwinked, housed, in a cloud, in a fog, in eclipse, in purdah, in the wings, incommunicado, intricate, jumbled, knotty, latent, loricate, loricated, lurking, mantled, masked, muffled, mysterious, mystic, night-black, night-clad, night-cloaked, night-dark, night-enshrouded, night-filled, night-mantled, night-veiled, obfuscated, obscure, occult, occulted, overtechnical, packaged, paved, perplexed, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchy, possible, potential, privy, rayless, recondite, roofed-in, scrambled, screened, scummed, secluded, secluse, secret, sequestered, sheathed, shelled, shielded, shrouded, sleeping, snow-blind, snow-blinded, starless, submerged, sunless, swathed, tenebrious, tenebrose, tenebrous, tented, tough, under an eclipse, under cover, under house arrest, under the surface, under wraps, underground, underlying, unilluminated, unknown, unlighted, unlit, unmanifested, veiled, virtual, walled, walled-in, wrapped, wrapped in cloudsROGET THESAURUS
N invisibility, invisibleness, nonappearance, imperceptibility, indistinctness, mystery, delitescence, concealment, latency, invisible, imperceptible, undiscernible, indiscernible, unapparent, non-apparent, out of sight, not in sight, a perte de vue, behind the scenes, behind the curtain, viewless, sightless, inconspicuous, unconspicuous, unseen &c (see), covert, eclipsed, under an eclipse, dim, mysterious, dark, obscure, confused, indistinct, indistinguishable, shadowy, indefinite, undefined, ill- defined, ill-marked, blurred, fuzzy, out of focus, misty, delitescent, hidden, obscured, covered, veiled (concealed), full many a flower is born to blush unseen.
For further exploring for "obscured" in Webster Dictionary Online