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a bit much, abandoned, blooming, blossoming, boundless, budding, burgeoning, crescent, developed, egregious, enormous, exaggerated, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, fabulous, fancy, florescent, flourishing, flowering, full-fledged, full-grown, fully developed, gigantic, gluttonous, growing, grown, grown-up, high, hyperbolic, hypertrophied, immoderate, incontinent, inordinate, intemperate, mature, monstrous, out of bounds, out of sight, outrageous, outsize, outsized, overbig, overfed, overgreat, overgrown, overlarge, overmuch, oversized, overweening, overweight, sprouting, steep, stiff, thriving, too big, too much, unbridled, unconscionable, undue, unreasonable, unrestrained

For further exploring for "overdeveloped" in Webster Dictionary Online

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