Word Study
resperse |
respersion |
respighi |
respirability |
respirable |
| respirational
| respirative
| respirator
| respiratory
| respiratory acidosis
Noun respiration has 3 senses
- respiration(n = noun.act) cellular respiration, internal respiration - the metabolic processes whereby certain organisms obtain energy from organic molecules; processes that take place in the cells and tissues during which energy is released and carbon dioxide is produced and absorbed by the blood to be transported to the lungs; Array is a kind of metabolic process, metabolism
- respiration(n = noun.act) Array - a single complete act of breathing in and out; "thirty respirations per minute" is a kind of activity, bodily function, bodily process, body process
- respiration(n = noun.act) breathing, external respiration, ventilation - the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation; Array has particulars: artificial respiration, abdominal breathing, eupnea, eupnoea, hyperpnea, hypopnea, hyperventilation, heaving, panting, cheyne-stokes respiration, periodic breathing, smoke, smoking, snore, snoring, stertor, sniffle, snivel, snuffle, wheeze, second wind
Derived form verb respire2
has parts: breathing out, exhalation, expiration, aspiration, breathing in, inhalation, inspiration, intake
is a kind of activity, bodily function, bodily process, body process
Derived forms verb respire3, verb respire2
respiration, n. [L. respiratio: cf. F. respiration. See Respire.].
- The act of respiring or breathing again, or catching one's breath. [1913 Webster]
- Relief from toil or suffering: rest. [1913 Webster]"Till the day
Appear of respiration to the just
And vengeance to the wicked." [1913 Webster] - Interval; intermission. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster]
- The act of resping or breathing; the act of taking in and giving out air; the aggregate of those processes bu which oxygen is introduced into the system, and carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid, removed. [1913 Webster]
respiration, n.
1 a the act or an instance of breathing. b a single inspiration or expiration; a breath.
2 Biol. in living organisms, the process involving the release of energy and carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
1 a the act or an instance of breathing. b a single inspiration or expiration; a breath.
2 Biol. in living organisms, the process involving the release of energy and carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances.
ME f. F respiration or L respiratio (as RESPIRE)
Aqua-Lung, artificial respiration, aspiration, asthmatic wheeze, breath, breath of air, breathing, broken wind, cough, exhalation, expiration, exsufflation, gasp, gulp, hack, hiccup, inhalation, inhalator, inspiration, insufflation, iron lung, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, oxygen mask, oxygen tent, pant, puff, scuba, sigh, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, snore, snoring, snuff, snuffle, sternutation, stertor, suspiration, wheeze, windROGET THESAURUS
N life, vitality, viability, animation, vital spark, vital flame, soul, spirit, respiration, wind, breath of life, breath of one's nostrils, oxygen, air, respirator, artificial respirator, heart and lung machine, iron lung, medical devices, lifeblood, Archeus, existence, vivification, vital force, vitalization, revivification, Prometheus, life to come, physiology, biology, animal ecology, nourishment, staff of life, genetics, heredity, inheritance, evolution, natural selection, reproduction (production), microbe, aerobe, anaerobe, facultative anaerobe, obligate aerobe, obligate anaerobe, halophile, methanogen, archaebacteria, microaerophile, animal, vegetable, artificial life, robot, robotics, artificial intelligence, breathing, breathing rate, heartbeat, pulse, temperature, preservation of life, healing (medicine), living, alive, in life, in the flesh, in the land of the living, on this side of the grave, above ground, breathing, quick, animated, animative, lively, all alive and kicking, tenacious of life, full of life, yeasty, vital, vitalic, vivifying, vivified viable, zoetic, Promethean, vivendi causa, atqui vivere militare est, non est vivere sed valere vita.
For further exploring for "respiration" in Webster Dictionary Online