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simon pure



simon pure

Pecksniffian, austere, authentic, bare, basic, bona fide, candid, canting, card-carrying, chaste, dinkum, elementary, essential, following the letter, fundamental, genuine, good, goody-goody, holier-than-thou, homely, homespun, homogeneous, honest, honest-to-God, hypocritic, inartificial, indivisible, indubitable, irreducible, lawful, legitimate, lifelike, literal, mealymouthed, mere, monolithic, natural, naturalistic, of a piece, oily, original, pharisaic, pharisean, plain, primal, primary, pure, pure and simple, real, realistic, rightful, sanctimonious, severe, simple, sincere, single, spare, stark, sterling, sure-enough, true, true to life, true to nature, true to reality, unadorned, unadulterated, unaffected, unassumed, unassuming, uncluttered, uncolored, unconcocted, uncopied, uncounterfeited, unctuous, undifferenced, undifferentiated, undisguised, undisguising, undistorted, undoubted, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unflattering, uniform, unimagined, unimitated, uninvented, unpretended, unpretending, unqualified, unromantic, unsimulated, unspecious, unsynthetic, unvarnished, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, veritable, word-for-word

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