Word Study
suborder carnosaura |
suborder cephalaspida |
suborder ceratopsia |
suborder ceratosaura |
suborder charadrii |
suborder clamatores
| suborder euronithopoda
| suborder eurylaimi
| suborder gorgonacea
| suborder gorgoniacea
| suborder heteroptera
suborder clamatores
Noun suborder clamatores has 1 sense
- suborder clamatores(n = noun.animal) clamatores - used in some classification systems; a suborder or superfamily nearly coextensive with suborder Tyranni; Passeriformes having relatively simple vocal organs and little power of song; clamatorial birds; Array is a kind of animal order
is a member of order passeriformes, passeriformes
For further exploring for "suborder clamatores" in Webster Dictionary Online