Word Study
supertonic |
supertragical |
supertuberation |
supertwister |
supervacaneous |
| supervene upon
| supervenient
| supervention
| supervisal
| supervise
Verb supervene has 1 sense
- supervene(v = verb.change) - take place as an additional or unexpected development; is one way to come about, fall out, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass, pass off, take place
Derived form noun supervention1
Sample sentence:
Something ----s
supervene, v. i. [L. supervenire, superventum, to come over, to come upon; super over + venire to come. See Super-, and Come, and cf. Overcome.].
To come as something additional or extraneous; to occur with reference or relation to something else; to happen upon or after something else; to be added; to take place; to happen. [1913 Webster]
"Such a mutual gravitation can never supervene to matter unless impressed by divine power."
[1913 Webster]
"A tyrany immediately supervened."
[1913 Webster]
supervene, v.intr. occur as an interruption in or a change from some state.
supervenient adj. supervention n.
L supervenire supervent- (as SUPER-, venire come)
VB add, annex, affix, superadd, subjoin, superpose, clap on, saddle on, tack to, append, tag, ingraft, saddle with, sprinkle, introduce, insert, become added, accrue, advene, supervene, reinforce, reenforce, restrengthen, swell the ranks of, augment.Posteriority
VB follow after, come after, go after, succeed, supervene, ensue, occur, step into the shoes of.Eventuality
VB happen, occur, take place, take effect, come, become of, come off, comeabout, come round, come into existence, come forth, come to pass, come on, pass, present itself, fall, fall out, turn out, run, be on foot, fall in, befall, betide, bechance, prove, eventuate, draw on, turn up, crop up, spring up, pop up, arise, show up, show its face, appear, come forth, cast up, supervene, survene, issue, arrive, ensue, arise, start, hold, take its course, pass off, meet with, experience, enjoy, encounter, undergo, suffer, pass through, go through, be subjected to, be exposed to, fall to the lot of, be one's chance, be one's fortune, be one's lot, find, endure.
For further exploring for "supervene" in Webster Dictionary Online