Word Study
typeface |
typescript |
typeset |
typesetter |
typesetting |
typesetting machine
| typewrite
| typewriter
| typewriter carriage
| typewriter font
| typewriter keyboard
typesetting machine
Noun typesetting machine has 1 sense
- typesetting machine(n = noun.artifact) Array - a printer that sets textual material in type; Array has parts: keyboard
has particulars: linotype, linotype machine, monotype
is a kind of printer, printing machine
typesetting machine
Composaline, Diatype, Elrod, Fotomatic, Fotosetter, Fototronic, Intertype, Linotype, Monotype, Photon, Zip, cold-type typesetting, composing, composing stick, composition, computerized typesetting, dummy, furniture, galley chase, hot-metal typesetting, imposition, justification, layout, line of type, photocomposition, photosetting, phototypesetter, phototypesetting machine, quoin, setting, slug, typesetting
For further exploring for "typesetting machine" in Webster Dictionary Online