Kidung Jemaat
Isaiah 60:19-20
Bunga 'Kan Layu Kering [KJ.279]
1. Bunga 'kan layu kering, sian diganti malam;
soal sandang pangan masih terus penting.
Mzm 103:15-16
2. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
3. Bila kaurasa sepi, siapa yang memahami?
Jika kau menangis, siapa yang mengerti?
4. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
5. Yang kauterima lebih masih kaurasa kurang
dan yang kauperlukan tak pasti diberi.
6. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
7. Takkan di sana perlu surya dan sinar bulan,
kar'na wajah Tuhan 'kan menyinarimu.
Yes 60:18-19
Why 21:23
8. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
9. Hilanglah rasa sedih, Tuhan beserta kita;
hidup bahagia tak akan berhenti.
1 Tes 4:17
10. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
11. Songsonglah Hari Kekal! Nyanyilah bagi Allah;
kita selamanya olehNya dikenal.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
12. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!Play Kristus Bangkit! Soraklah' [KJ.188]
1. Kristus bangkit! Soraklah: Haleluya!
Bumi, sorga bergema: Haleluya!
Berbalasan bersyukur: Haleluya!
Muliakan Tuhanmu! Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-8
2. Karya kasihNya genap, kemenanganNya tetap.
Surya s'lamat jadi t'rang takkan lagi terbenam.
Yoh 19:30
Yes 60:20
3. Kuasa kubur menyerah dan neraka takluklah.
Kristus jaya atas maut dan terbukalah Firdaus.
Ibr 2:14
Why 1:18
4. Hidup Raja mulia: kita s'lamat OlehNya.
Maut, di mana jayamu? Kubur, mana kuasamu?
1 Kor 15:54-56
5. Hai tinggalkan maut kelam; ikut Dia yang menang!
Bangkitlah, manusia, dalam kebangkitanNya!
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
6. Raja agung, t'rimalah sorak puji semesta!
Hormat kami bergema: Kaulah Hidup yang baka.Flp 2:9-11
Yoh 11:25
Genesis 11:1-32
[Gen 11:9] Father Eternal, Ruler Of Creation
Father eternal, Ruler of creation,
Spirit of life, which moved ere form was made;
Through the thick darkness covering every nation,
Light to man’s blindness, O be Thou our aid:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Races and peoples, lo! we stand divided,
And sharing not our griefs, no joy can share;
By wars and tumults love is mocked, derided,
His conquering cross no kingdom wills to bear:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Envious of heart, blind eyed, with tongues confounded,
Nation by nation still goes unforgiven;
In wrath and fear, by jealousies surrounded,
Building proud towers which shall not reach to heaven:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Lust of possession worketh desolations;
There is no meekness in the sons of earth;
Led by no star, the rulers of the nations
Still fail to bring us to the blissful birth.
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.How shall we love Thee, holy, hidden Being,
If we love not the world which Thou hast made?
O give us brother love for better seeing
Thy world made flesh, and in a manger laid:
Thy kingdom come, O Lord, Thy will be done.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Isaiah 60:19-20
[Isa 60:19] Eternal Light
Eternal Light! eternal Light!
How pure the soul must be
When, placed within Thy searching sight,
It shrinks not, but with calm delight
Can live, and look on Thee!The spirits that surround Thy throne
May bear the burning bliss;
But that is surely theirs alone,
Since they have never, never known
A fallen world like this.O how shall I, whose native sphere
Is dark, whose mind is dim,
Before the Ineffable appear,
And on my naked spirit bear
That uncreated beam?There is a way for man to rise
To that sublime abode:
An offering and a sacrifice,
A Holy Spirit’s energies,
An Advocate with God.These, these prepare us for the sight
Of holiness above;
The sons of ignorance and night,
May dwell in the eternal Light,
Through the eternal Love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 60:19] O Everlasting Light
O Everlasting Light,
Giver of dawn and day,
Dispeller of the ancient night
In which creation lay;O Everlasting Light,
Shine graciously within;
Brightest of all on earth that’s bright,
Come, shine away my sin.O Everlasting Truth,
Truest of all that’s true,
Sure Guide of erring age and youth,
Lead me, and teach me, too.O Everlasting Strength,
Uphold me in the way;
Bring me, in spite of foes, at length
To joy and light and day.O Everlasting Love,
Wellspring of grace and peace,
Pour down Thy fullness from above,
Bid doubt and trouble cease.O Everlasting Rest,
Lift off life’s load of care;
Relieve, revive this burdened breast,
And every sorrow bear.Thou art in Heav’n our All,
Our All on earth art Thou;
Upon Thy glorious Name we call,
Lord Jesus, bless us now.Play source: Cyberhymnal