Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 12:1-20
Abraham, Abraham [KJ.71]
1. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram,
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Jumlah bintang tak terbilang, turunanmu pun demikian;
Ikutlah petunjukKu ke neg'ri pusakamu!
Kej 12:1-9
Kis 7:3
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram;
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Bangsa-bangsa dunia nanti; dalam dikau Kuberkati;
Ingat akan sabdaKu di sepanjang jalanmu!
Gal 3:7-8, 14
3. Abraham, Abraham, berangkat sungguh beriman;
Abraham, Abraham menuju tanah Kanaan.
Yakin, tanpa keraguan ia ikut sabda Tuhan.
Mari, ikutlah serta ke neg'ri sejahtera!Play Hatiku Bersukaria [KJ.77]
1. Hatiku bersukaria
mengagungkan nama Tuhan, Allah, Juru s'lamatku.
2. DiindahkanNya hambaNya;
kini dan senantiasa diberkati namaku.
Luk 1:4
3. Kar'na Allah Mahakuasa
melakukan karya agung kepadaku yang rendah.
4. Mahasuci Nama Allah; rahmatNya turun-temurun
atas orang salehNya.
5. DinyatakanNya kuasa
hingga orang congkak hati habis oleh tanganNya
6. DisuruhNya turun takhta
pembesar dan panguasa ditinggikan yang rendah.
Mzm 75:8
Mzm 113:7-9
Yeh 21:26
7. Orang lapar dikenyangkan
orang kaya dihampakan dan disuruhNya pergi.
Mzm 107:9
8. Sungguh Ia melepaskan
Umat Israel, hambaNya, kar'na rahmatNya kekal.
9. Seperti dijanjikanNya
pada Abraham semula untuk s'lama-lamanya.Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Play Keluar Dari Kaum [KJ.342]
1. Keluar dari kaum dan rumah bapakmu, serahkan dirimu
kepada rahmat Hu. Percaya sabdaNya. Berjalan dengan
suka ke tanah air baka yang tertentu di muka.
Kej 12:1-9
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Pergi dengan seg'ra ke lorong negeri dan simpangannya yang
buruk dan keji. B'ri rumahKu penuh. Jemput segala orang
ke rumah s'lamatKu; tempatnya tidak kurang.
Mat 22:8-10
Yoh 14:2
3. Keluar! Ajarlah seluruh dunia. Taburkan InjilKu di sawah-
ladangnya! Mau t'rang, maupun gelap di rumah dan kerjamu,
baik ingatlah tetap: 'Ku menyertai kamu.Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
Play Mahaterpuji Allahku [KJ.79]
1. Mahaterpuji Allahku: Ia lepaskan kita dari kuasa seteru
dan segenap derita. Tanda selamat diberi membuat wajah berseri:
Mesias akan datang! Kini terkabul dan genap janji
Nubuat Alkitab, yang lama didambakan.
2. Yang dalam nista tercengk'ram akan dibebaskanNya;
janjiNya pada Abraham kini menjadi nyata: umatNya bersejahtera
'kan beribadah padaNya dan hidup badi Dia.
Nabi Yohanes, kau seg'ra 'kan meratakan jalanNya, Sang Raja yang mulia!
Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Mal 3:1
Mrk 1:2
Luk 7:27
3. Agar umatNya mengerti hidup kekal sentosa,
Yang Mahakasih memberi rahmat ampunan dosa.
Sang Surya Pagi t'lah dekat! Orang yang jalannya gelap melihat cahayaNya.
Kita tak lagi bersedih, tapi berjalan ke neg'ri yang damai selamanya!Mal 4:2
Yoh 1:9
Yes 9:1
Mat 4:16
Play Tersembunyi Ujung Jalan [KJ.416]
1. Tersembunyi ujung jalan, hampir atau masih jauh;
'ku dibimbing tangan Tuhan ke neg'ri yang tak 'ku tahu.
Bapa, ajar aku ikut, pa juga maksudMu, tak bersangsi atau
Takut, beriman tetap teguh.
Kej 12:1
Mzm 73:23
Yes 48:17
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Meski langkahMu semua tersembunyi bagiku, hatiku
menurut jua dan memuji kasihMu. Meski kini tak 'ku nampak,
nanti 'ku berbagia, apabila t'rangMu tampak dengan kemuliaannya.
3. Tuhan, janganlah biarkan kutentukan nasibku. B'rilah hanya
kudengarkan keputusan hikmatMu. Aku ini pun selaku kanak-kanak
yang bebal. Bapa jua bimbing aku ke kehidupan kekal.
4. Dengan bapa aku maju dalam malam yang kelam
ke neg'ri yang tak kutahu dengan mata terpejam…Play
Luke 18:10-14
[Luk 18:13] Have Compassion, Lord, On Me!
O my Savior, I am weary!
Let my cry to Thee ascend
While in humble supplication
Now before Thy throne I bend!Refrain
Weak and helpless, yet believing,
Casting all my care on Thee,
I am hoping, trusting, praying;
Have compassion, Lord, on me!O my Savior, tho’ unworthy,
I have nowhere else to go;
Thou canst pardon my transgressions,
Thou canst wash me white as snow!Refrain
O my Savior, by Thy Spirit
Thou hast called me o’er and o’er;
Now repentant I am coming;
Lord, my wand’ring soul restore!Refrain
O my Savior, do not leave me
Here to perish at Thy throne;
In Thy tender, loving mercy
Cleanse and make me all Thine own!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Lord, I Deserve Thy Deepest Wrath
Lord, I deserve thy deepest wrath,
Ungrateful, faithless I have been;
No terrors have my soul deterred,
Nor goodness wooed me from my sin.
No terrors have my soul deterred,
Nor goodness wooed me from my sin.My heart is vile, my mind depraved,
My flesh rebels against Thy will;
I am polluted in Thy sight,
Yet, Lord have mercy on me still!
I am polluted in Thy sight,
Yet, Lord have mercy on me still!Without defense to Thee I look,
To Thee the only Savior fly;
Without a hope, without a friend,
In deep distress to Thee I cry,
Without a hope, without a friend,
In deep distress to Thee I cry.Speak peace to me, my sins forgive,
Dwell Thou within my heart, O God,
The guilt and pow’r of sin remove,
And fit me for Thy blest abode,
The guilt and pow’r of sin remove,
And fit me for Thy blest abode.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Lord, Like The Publican I Stand
Lord, like the publican I stand,
And lift my heart to Thee;
Thy pardoning grace, O God, command,
Be merciful to me.I smite upon my anxious breast,
O’erwhelmed with agony;
O save my soul by sin oppressed,
Be merciful to me.My guilt, my shame, I all confess,
I have no hope nor plea
But Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
Be merciful to me.Here at Thy cross I still would wait,
Nor from its shelter flee,
But Thou, O God, in mercy great,
Art merciful to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] O Son Of God, In Glory Crowned
O Son of God, in glory crowned,
The Judge ordained of quick and dead!
O Son of Man, so pitying found
For all the tears Thy people shed!Be with us in this darkened place,
This weary, restless, dangerous night;
And teach, O teach us, by Thy grace,
To struggle onward into light!And since, in God’s recording book,
Our sins are written, every one,
The crime, the wrath, the wandering look
The good we knew, and left undone;Lord, ere the last dread trump be heard,
And ere before Thy face we stand,
Look Thou on each accusing word,
And blot it with Thy bleeding hand.And by the love that brought Thee here,
And by the cross, and by the grave,
Give perfect love for conscious fear,
And in the day of judgment save.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Only A Sinner
Naught have I gotten but what I received;
Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed;
Boasting excluded, pride I abase;
I’m only a sinner, saved by grace!Refrain
Only a sinner, saved by grace!
Only a sinner, saved by grace!
This is my story, to God be the glory—
I’m only a sinner, saved by grace!Once I was foolish, and sin ruled my heart,
Causing my footsteps from God to depart;
Jesus hath found me, happy my case;
I now am a sinner, saved by grace!Refrain
Tears unavailing, no merit had I;
Mercy had saved me, or else I must die;
Sin had alarmed me fearing God’s face;
But now I’m a sinner saved by grace!Refrain
Suffer a sinner whose heart overflows,
Loving his Savior to tell what he knows;
Once more to tell it would I embrace—
I’m only a sinner saved by grace!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Savior, Prince Of Israel’s Race
Savior, Prince of Israel’s race,
See me from Thy lofty throne;
Give the sweet relenting grace,
Soften this obdurate stone!
Stone to flesh, O God, convert;
Cast a look, and break my heart!By Thy Spirit, Lord, reprove,
All my inmost sins reveal,
Sins against Thy light and love
Let me see, and let me feel;
Sins that crucified my God,
Spilt again Thy precious blood.Jesu, seek Thy wandering sheep,
Make me restless to return;
Bid me look on Thee, and weep,
Bitterly as Peter mourn,
Till I say, by grace restored,
“Now Thou know’st I love Thee, Lord!”Might I in Thy sight appear,
As the publican distressed,
Stand, not daring to draw near,
Smite on my unworthy breast,
Groan the sinner’s only plea,
“God, be merciful to me!”O remember me for good,
Passing through the mortal vale!
Show me the atoning blood,
When my strength and spirit fail;
Give my gasping soul to see
Jesus crucified for me!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 18:13] Sinful, Sighing To Be Blest
Sinful, sighing to be blest,
Bound, and longing to be free;
Weary, waiting for my rest:
God, be merciful to me.Holiness I’ve none to plead,
Sinfulness is all I see,
I can only bring my need:
God, be merciful to me.Broken heart and downcast eyes,
Dare not lift themselves to Thee;
Yet Thou canst interpret sighs:
God, be merciful to me.From this sinful heart of mine
To Thy bosom I would flee;
I am not mine own, but Thine:
God, be merciful to me.There is One beside Thy throne,
And my only hope and plea
Are in Him and Him alone:
God, be merciful to me.He my cause will undertake,
My Interpreter will be;
He’s my all, and for His sake,
God, be merciful to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal