Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 17:1-27
Hatiku Bersukaria [KJ.77]
1. Hatiku bersukaria
mengagungkan nama Tuhan, Allah, Juru s'lamatku.
2. DiindahkanNya hambaNya;
kini dan senantiasa diberkati namaku.
Luk 1:4
3. Kar'na Allah Mahakuasa
melakukan karya agung kepadaku yang rendah.
4. Mahasuci Nama Allah; rahmatNya turun-temurun
atas orang salehNya.
5. DinyatakanNya kuasa
hingga orang congkak hati habis oleh tanganNya
6. DisuruhNya turun takhta
pembesar dan panguasa ditinggikan yang rendah.
Mzm 75:8
Mzm 113:7-9
Yeh 21:26
7. Orang lapar dikenyangkan
orang kaya dihampakan dan disuruhNya pergi.
Mzm 107:9
8. Sungguh Ia melepaskan
Umat Israel, hambaNya, kar'na rahmatNya kekal.
9. Seperti dijanjikanNya
pada Abraham semula untuk s'lama-lamanya.Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Play Mahaterpuji Allahku [KJ.79]
1. Mahaterpuji Allahku: Ia lepaskan kita dari kuasa seteru
dan segenap derita. Tanda selamat diberi membuat wajah berseri:
Mesias akan datang! Kini terkabul dan genap janji
Nubuat Alkitab, yang lama didambakan.
2. Yang dalam nista tercengk'ram akan dibebaskanNya;
janjiNya pada Abraham kini menjadi nyata: umatNya bersejahtera
'kan beribadah padaNya dan hidup badi Dia.
Nabi Yohanes, kau seg'ra 'kan meratakan jalanNya, Sang Raja yang mulia!
Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Mal 3:1
Mrk 1:2
Luk 7:27
3. Agar umatNya mengerti hidup kekal sentosa,
Yang Mahakasih memberi rahmat ampunan dosa.
Sang Surya Pagi t'lah dekat! Orang yang jalannya gelap melihat cahayaNya.
Kita tak lagi bersedih, tapi berjalan ke neg'ri yang damai selamanya!Mal 4:2
Yoh 1:9
Yes 9:1
Mat 4:16
Genesis 7:18
Ya Tuhan, pada Saat Dibaptiskan [KJ.307]
1. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan, kami terima tanda kasihMu;
air bah pernah membawa kematian, tetapi s'lamat isi baht'ra Nuh.
Kej 7-8
Ibr 11:7
2 Ptr 2:5
2. Firaun yang melawan tujuanMu di Laut Merah sudah tenggelam,
tapi umatMu dapat hidup baru dan bersyukur di pantai seberang.
Kel 14-15
Why 15:2-4
3. Dan Yunus yang menyangkal panggilannya Kau tenggelamkan di gelora laut,
namun firmanMu mengembalikannya menjadi tanda hidup dari maut.
Yun 1-2
Mat 12:40
4. Dan Yesus juga rela dibaptiskan, di sungai Yordan nyata artinya:
ketika itu Dia Kautahbiskan untuk menghapus dosa dunia.
Mat 3:13-17
Yoh 1:29-34
5. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan kami beroleh pengasihanMu:
Kristus t'lah bangkit dari kematian; dalamNya Kaubangkitkan kami pun.Rm 6:34Kol 2:12
Psalms 38:4
'Ku Ingin Menghayati [KJ.158]
1. 'Ku ingin menghayati sengsara Tuhanku.
Semoga kudapati, ya Yesus, rahmatMu!
Beban kesalahanku membuatku lelah;
Berilah hidup baru, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
Mzm 38:5, 19
2. O ingat akan daku yang hilang tersesat;
bertimbunlah dosaku yang menekan berat.
JalanMu kulalaikan, hidupku bercela;
Engkau penuh kebaikan, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
Mzm 51
3. Waktu yang Kauberikan terbuang olehku;
tidak kuperhatikan nasihat sabdaMu.
Jiwaku menderita dan berkeluh-kesah;
O Sumber sukacita, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
4. Kiranya kausembuhkan hatiku yang sedih,
sudilah menghapuskan dosaku yang keji.
'Ku rindu akan hidup yang suci mulia;
hentikanlah tangisku, ya Yesus, tolonglah!1 Yoh 1:9
Psalms 38:4
[Psa 38:4] Alas, My God, My Sins Are Great
Alas! my God! my sins are great,
My conscience doth upbraid me;
And now I find that at my strait
No man hath power to aid me.And fled I hence, in my despair,
In some lone spot to hide me,
My griefs would still be with me there,
Thy hand still hold and guide me.Nay, Thee I seek—I merit naught,
Yet pity and restore me;
Be not Thy wrath, just God, my lot,
Thy Son hath suffered for me.If pain and woe must follow sin,
Then be my path still rougher,
Here spare me not; if Heaven I win,
On earth I gladly suffer.But curb my heart, forgive my guilt,
Make Thou my patience firmer,
For they must miss the good Thou wilt,
Who at Thy teachings murmur.Then deal with me as seems Thee best,
Thy grace will help me bear it,
If but at last I see Thy rest,
And with my Savior share it.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 38:4] O The Darkness, O The Sorrow
O the darkness, O the sorrow,
O the misery of sin!
When will dawn the promised morrow
That shall bring deliverance in?One there was ordained to languish,
Guiltless, in Gethsemane;
One there was Who died in anguish
Innocent, on Calvary.Jesus was the Burden-bearer,
God’s own Son the Sacrifice;
Of the griefs of man the Sharer,
Of his soul the Ransom-price.’Tis the Christ, the Ever-living,
Ever-loving, Ever-blest,
By the Comforter still giving
Pardon, holiness, and rest.Can the love so freely given,
Can the blood so freely shed,
Fail to draw the earth to Heaven,
Fail to bring alive its dead?Rise, O children of the Father,
Stand, ye brothers of the Son,
In unyielding ranks together
Till the crown of Christ be won;Till the lands of sin and sorrow,
Darker than the ancient night,
Shall behold the promised morrow
Beam on them with saving light.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Isaiah 53:1
[Isa 53:1] How Few Receive With Cordial Faith
How few receive with cordial faith
The tidings which we bring?
How few have seen the arm revealed
Of Heav’n’s eternal King?The Savior comes! no outward pomp
Bespeaks His presence nigh;
No earthly beauty shines in Him
To draw the carnal eye.Fair as a beauteous tender flower
Amidst the desert grows,
So slighted by a rebel race
The heav’nly Savior rose.Rejected and despised of men,
Behold a Man of woe!
Grief was His close companion still
Through all His life below.Yet all the griefs He felt were ours,
Ours were the woes He bore:
Pangs, not His own, His spotless soul
With bitter anguish tore.We held Him as condemned by Heav’n,
An outcast from His God,
While for our sins He groaned, He bled,
Beneath His Father’s rod.His sacred blood hath washed our souls
From sin’s polluted stain;
His stripes have healed us, and His death
Revived our souls again.We all, like sheep, had gone astray
In ruin’s fatal road:
On Him were our transgressions laid;
He bore the mighty load.Wronged and oppressed how meekly He
In patient silence stood!
Mute, as the peaceful harmless lamb,
When brought to shed its blood.Who can His generation tell?
From prison see Him led!
With impious show of law condemned,
And numbered with the dead.’Midst sinners low in dust He lay;
The rich a grave supplied:
Unspotted was His blameless life;
Unstained by sin He died.Yet God shall raise His head on high,
Though thus He brought Him low;
His sacred offering, when complete,
Shall terminate His woe.For, saith the Lord, My pleasure then
Shall prosper in His hand;
His shall a numerous offspring be,
And still His honors stand.His soul, rejoicing, shall behold
The purchase of His pain;
And all the guilty whom He saved
Shall bless Messiah’s reign.He with the great shall share the spoil,
And baffle all His foes;
Though ranked with sinners, here He fell,
A Conqueror He rose.He died to bear the guilt of men,
That sin might be forgiv’n:
He lives to bless them and defend,
And plead their cause in Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 53:1] I’ve Believed The True Report
I’ve believed the true report,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
I have passed the outer court,
O glory be to God!
I am all on Jesus’ side,
On the altar sanctified,
To the world and sin I’ve died,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!Refrain
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I have passed the riven veil,
Where the glories never fail,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I am living in the presence of the King.I’m a king and priest to God,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
By the cleansing of the blood,
O glory be to God!
By the Spirit’s power and light,
I am living day and night,
In the holiest place so bright,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!Refrain
I have passed the outer veil,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Which did once God’s light conceal,
O glory be to God!
But the blood has brought me in
To God’s holiness so clean,
Where there’s death to self and sin,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!Refrain
I’m within the holiest pale,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
I have passed the inner veil,
O glory be to God!
I am sanctified to God
By the power of the blood,
Now the Lord is my abode,
Hallelujah to the Lamb!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 53:1] Zion’s King Shall Reign Victorious
Zion’s King shall reign victorious,
All the earth shall own His sway;
He will make His kingdom glorious,
He will reign through endless day.
What though none on earth assist Him,
God requires not help from man;
What though all the world resist Him,
God will realize His plan.Nations now from God estrangèd,
Then shall see a glorious light,
Night to day shall then be changèd,
Heaven shall triumph in the sight;
See the ancient idols falling!
Worshipped once, but now abhorred;
Men on Zion’s King are calling,
Zion’s King by all adored.Then shall Israel, long dispersèd,
Mourning seek the Lord their God,
Look on Him whom once they piercèd,
Own and kiss the chastening rod;
Then all Israel shall be savèd,
War and tumult then shall cease,
While the greater Son of David
Rules a conquered world in peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal