Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 8:1
Ya Tuhan, pada Saat Dibaptiskan [KJ.307]
1. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan, kami terima tanda kasihMu;
air bah pernah membawa kematian, tetapi s'lamat isi baht'ra Nuh.
Kej 7-8
Ibr 11:7
2 Ptr 2:5
2. Firaun yang melawan tujuanMu di Laut Merah sudah tenggelam,
tapi umatMu dapat hidup baru dan bersyukur di pantai seberang.
Kel 14-15
Why 15:2-4
3. Dan Yunus yang menyangkal panggilannya Kau tenggelamkan di gelora laut,
namun firmanMu mengembalikannya menjadi tanda hidup dari maut.
Yun 1-2
Mat 12:40
4. Dan Yesus juga rela dibaptiskan, di sungai Yordan nyata artinya:
ketika itu Dia Kautahbiskan untuk menghapus dosa dunia.
Mat 3:13-17
Yoh 1:29-34
5. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan kami beroleh pengasihanMu:
Kristus t'lah bangkit dari kematian; dalamNya Kaubangkitkan kami pun.Rm 6:34Kol 2:12
Luke 1:18
Siapakah Yang Menerima [KJ.124]
1. Siapakah yang menerima kabar mulia sorgawi?
Bukan para ahli Kitab, bukan pula para nabi,
Bukan raja Yerusalem, bukan kaisar dari Roma:
Hanyalah gembala di Betlehem.
Mat 2:3-4
, Luk 1:1-20
2. Apakah berita baru yang disiarkan malaikat?
Bukan kabar peperangan, bukan pengumuman iklan,
Bukan mengenai wabah, bukanlah bencana alam:
Raja damai lahir di Betlehem.
Yes 9:5
3. Dan di manakah tempatnya Anak Raja dilahirkan?
Bukan di rumah sakit, diawasi bidan ahli,
Bukanlah tempat yang mewah, rumah orang pangkat tinggi,
Tapi kandang domba di betlehem.
4. Lalu, siapakah di sana menunggui Bayi Yesus?
Bapak Yusuf, 'bu Maria yang merawat dan menjaga,
Biri-biri ikut juga dan gembala sederhana.
Bayi tidur aman di Betlehem.Play
Genesis 19:1-38
[Gen 19:17] Haste, Traveler, Haste!
Haste, traveler, haste! the night comes on,
And many a shining hour is gone;
The storm is gathering in the west,
And thou art from home and rest.O far from home thy footsteps stray;
Christ is the life, and Christ the way,
And Christ the light; thy setting sun
Sinks ere thy morning is begun.Awake, awake! pursue thy way
With steady course, while yet ’tis day;
While thou art sleeping on the ground,
Danger and darkness gather round.The rising tempest sweeps the sky;
The rains descend, the winds are high;
The waters swell, and death and fear
Beset thy path, nor refuge near.O yes! a shelter you may gain,
A covert from the wind and the rain,
A hiding-place a rest, a home,
A refuge from the wrath to come.Then linger not in all the plain,
Flee for thy life, the mountain gain;
Look not behind, make no delay,
O speed thee, speed thee on thy way!Poor, lost, benighted soul! art thou
Wiling to find salvation now?
There yet is hope; hear mercy’s call:
Truth! Life! Light! Way! in Christ is all!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Proverbs 13:12
[Pro 13:12] Gather Round The Christmas Tree
Gather around the Christmas tree!
Gather around the Christmas tree!
Evergreen have its branches been,
It is king of all the woodland scene;
For Christ our King is born today!
His reign shall never pass away.Refrain
Hosanna, hosanna,
Hosanna in the highest!Gather around the Christmas tree!
Gather around the Christmas tree!
Once the pride of the mountainside,
Now cut down to grace our Christmastide;
For Christ from Heav’n to earth came down,
To gain, through death, a nobler crown.Refrain
Gather around the Christmas tree!
Gather around the Christmas tree!
Every bough bears a burden now—
They are gifts of love for us, we trow;
For Christ is born, His love to show,
And give good gifts to men below.Refrain
Farewell to thee, O Christmas tree!
Farewell to thee, O Christmas tree!
Twelve months o’er, we shall meet once more,
Merry welcome singing, as of yore,
For Christ now reigns, our Savior dear,
And gives us Christmas every year!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Pro 13:12] Object Of All Our Knowledge Here
Object of all our knowledge here,
Our one Desire, and Hope below,
Jesus, the Crucified, draw near,
And with Thy sad disciples go:
Our thoughts and words to Thee are known,
We commune of Thyself alone.How can it be, our reason cries,
That God should leave His throne above?
Is it for man th’Immortal dies?
For man, who tramples on His love?
For man, who nailed Him to the tree?
O Love! O God! He dies for me!Why then, if Thou for me hast died,
Dost Thou not yet Thyself impart?
We hoped to feel Thy blood applied,
To find Thee risen in our heart,
Redeemed from all iniquity,
Saved, to the utmost saved, thro’ Thee.Have we not then believed in vain,
By Christ unsanctified, unfreed?
In us He is not ris’n again,
We know not but He still is dead,
No life, no righteousness we have,
Our hopes seem buried in His grave.Ah! Lord, if Thou indeed art ours,
If Thou for us hast burst the tomb,
Visit us with Thy quickening powers,
Come to Thy mournful followers, come,
Thyself to Thy weak members join,
And fill us with the life divine.Thee, the great Prophet sent from God,
Mighty in deed and word we own;
Thou hast on some the grace bestowed,
Thy rising in their hearts made known;
They publish Thee to life restored,
Attesting they have seen the Lord.Alas for us, whose eyes are held!
Why cannot we our Savior see?
With us Thou art yet still concealed:
O might we hear one word from Thee!
Speak, and to our unbelief reprove,
Our baseness to mistrust Thy love.Fools as we are, and slow of heart,
So backward to believe the Word!
The Prophets’ only aim Thou art:
They sang the sufferings of their Lord,
Thy life for ours a ransom given,
Thy rising to ensure our Heaven.Ought not our Lord the death to die,
And then the glorious life to live?
To stoop; and then to go up on high?
The pain, and then the joy receive?
His blood, the purchase price lay down,
Endure the cross, and claim the crown?Ought not the members all to pass
The way their Head had passed before?
Thro’ sufferings perfected He was,
The garment dipped in blood He wore,
That we with Him might die, and rise
And bear His nature to the skies!Play source: Cyberhymnal