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1 Chronicles 22:13

Israel : a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Moses : a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

1 Chronicles 22:1

David : a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel

Israel : a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

1 Chronicles 6:12-13

Ahitub : chief priest Ahitub I; son of Phinehas II son of Eli,chief priest Ahitub II; son of Amariah I (WZ-466),chief priest, Ahitub III; son of Amariah II

Azariah : son of Ahimaaz; grandson and successor of Zadok I,son of Nathan; a priest who was chief of Solomons officers,son and successor of king Amaziah of Judah,son of Ethan son of Zerah of Judah,son of Jehu son of Obed of Judah,son of Johanan; descendant of Meraioth I,son of Hilkiah before the exile; high priest Azariah III,a descendant of Hilkiah the priest,son of Zephaniah/Uriel (Korah Levi); forefather of Samuel,son of Oded; prophet under King Asa,second son of Jehoshaphat; brother of King Jehoram,fifth son of Jehoshaphat; brother of King Jehoram,son of Jeroham; a commander who helped enthrone Joash,son of Obed; a commander who helped enthrone Joash,the priest who confronted Uzziah for offering incense,a chief of Ephraim under Israel's King Pekah,father of Joel (Kohath Levi), who served under Hezekiah,son of Jehallelel (Merari Levi). He served under Hezekiah,chief priest, of Zadok's line, under Hezekiah,son of Maaseiah son of Ananiah; a repairer of Nehemiah's wall,a man who accompanied Zerubbabel back to the land of Judah,a scribe who helped Ezra explain the reading of the Law,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a prince of Judah who led praises to God on the new city wall,son of Hoshaiah; one of the leaders rebelling against Jeremiah,a man exiled from Judah and trained with Daniel in Babylon

Hilkiah : father of Eliakim who was head of King Hezekiah's household,a high priest; son of Shalum /Meshulam,son of Amzi of Levi; forefather of returned exiles,son of Hosah; a Levite gatekeeper,priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel,a man of Anathoth; father of the prophet Jeremiah

Shallum : son of Jabesh; the assassin and successor of king Jeroboam,son of Tikvah; husband of Huldah the prophetess under Josiah,son of Sismai of Judah,son of King Josiah,son of Shaul son of Simeon,a high priest; son of Zadok II,son of Naphtali,son of Kore the Levite; a chief temple Porter under Nehemiah,father of Jehizkiah, chief minister of King Pekah,a Levite gatekeeper who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Hallohesh, ruler of part of Jerusalem under Nehemiah; helped repair the walls of Jerusalem,son of Col-Hozeh; ruler of the Mizpah district under Nehemiah and helped Nehemiah repair Jerusalem's gates,father of Hanamel; uncle of the prophet Jeremiah,father of Ma-Aseiah, temple gate keeper in Jeremiah's time

Zadok : a son of Azor; the father of Akim; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ahitub II; high priest Zadok I in David's time,father of Jerusha, who was the mother of King Jotham,the chief priest Zadok II; son of Meraioth II,a man who was one of David's military elite from Aaron's clan,son of Baana; one of those who helped rebuild the wall,son of Immer; one of those who helped rebuild the wall,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a Levite who served as Nehemiah's scribe

1 Chronicles 9:4-5

Ammihud : son of Ladan; father of Elishama, Moses' deputy over Ephraim,father of Shemuel, Moses' land distribution officer for Simeon,father of Pedahel, Moses' land distribution deputy for Naphtali,father of Talmai, king of Geshur with whom Absalom stayed,son of Omri (Judah); father of Uthai the returned exile

Asaiah : King Josiah's servant,head of a large influential family of Simeon in Hezekiah's time,son of Haggiah the Levite,a man (Shelah Judah) who returned from exile with his family,chief of the sons of Merari the Levite under David

Bani : a man of Gad; one of David's military elite,son of Shemer (Merari Aaron Levi),a man descended from Perez of Judah,a non-Levite ancestor of men who put away their heathen wives,a non-Levite ancestor of others who put away heathen wives,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,son of Henadad (Levi); a signer of the pledge to keep the law,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law,son of Hashabiah and father of head Levite Uzzi under Nehemiah

Imri : son of Bani of Judah,father of Zaccur who helped rebuild the wall of Jerusalem

Judah : the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall
(31° 46´, 35° 14´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Omri : the next king of Israel after Zimri committed suicide,son of Becher son of Benjamin,son of Imri of Judah,son of Michael; David's chief officer over Issachar

Perez : a son of Judah and Tamar; the father of Hezron; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Judah and Tamar

Shilonite : resident of Shiloh, or descendant of Shelah of Judah. (OS)

Uthai : son of Ammihud of Judah; a leader some who returned from exile,head of a sub-clan of Bigvai that returned from exile

1 Chronicles 11:9-13

Ahohite : a member of the clan of Ahoh (OS)

David : a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel

Dodo : grandfather of Tola the judge--before Saul's time,son of Ahohi; one of David's military elite,father of Elhanan, one of David's military elite from Bethlehem

Eleazar : a son of Eliud; the father of Matthan; an ancestor of Jesus.,a chief priest; son of Aaron,son of Abinadab; caretaker of the Ark at Kiriath-Jearim,son of Dodo the Ahohite; one of David's military elite,son of Mahli the Levite,a priest who participated in the dedication of the wall,a priest under Ezra; son of Phinehas,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife

Hachmonite : a member of the clan of Hachmoni

Israel : a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Jashobeam : son of Zabdiel; a Hachmonite (Perez Judah); an elite soldier,one of the Benjamite men who defected to David at Ziklag

Pas-Dammim : a place in Judah between Soco and Azekah; 10-15 km east of Gath
(31° 41´, 34° 56´)

Pas-dammim : a place in Judah between Soco and Azekah; 10-15 km east of Gath
(31° 41´, 34° 56´)

Philistines : a sea people coming from Crete in 1200BC to the coast of Canaan
(33° 33´, 35° 21´)

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