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1 Chronicles 28:9

And thou, Solomon
my son
<03045> (8798)
thou the God
of thy father
and serve
<05647> (8798)
him with a perfect
and with a willing
for the LORD
<01875> (8802)
all hearts
and understandeth
<0995> (8688)
all the imaginations
of the thoughts
if thou seek
<01875> (8799)
him, he will be found
<04672> (8735)
of thee; but if thou forsake
<05800> (8799)
him, he will cast thee off
<02186> (8686)
for ever

1 Chronicles 28:2

Then David
the king
stood up
<06965> (8799)
upon his feet
and said
<0559> (8799)_,
<08085> (8798)
me, my brethren
and my people
[As for me], I [had] in mine heart
to build
<01129> (8800)
an house
of rest
for the ark
of the covenant
of the LORD
and for the footstool
<01916> <07272>
of our God
and had made ready
<03559> (8689)
for the building
<01129> (8800)_:

1 Chronicles 7:19

And the sons
of Shemida
were, Ahian
and Shechem
and Likhi
and Aniam

Psalms 89:30-32

If his children
<05800> (8799)
my law
and walk
<03212> (8799)
not in my judgments
If they break
<02490> (8762)
my statutes
and keep
<08104> (8799)
not my commandments
{break: Heb. profane}
Then will I visit
<06485> (8804)
their transgression
with the rod
and their iniquity
with stripes

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