1 Chronicles 28:9
obey ... God <03045 0430> [know thou.]
God <0430> [the God.]
serve ..... submissive <05647 08003> [serve him.]
willing spirit <05315 02655> [a willing mind.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
motive <03336> [the imaginations.]
examines ............. seek <01875> [if thou seek.]
abandon <05800> [if thou forsake.]
Genesis 6:5
Lord <03068> [God.]
inclination <03336> [every imagination. or, the whole imagination.]
The Hebrew word signifies not only the imagination, but also the purposes and desires.
thoughts <04284> [thoughts.]
time <03117> [continually. Heb. every day.]
Psalms 119:113
hate <08130> [hate.]
divided loyalties <05588> [vain thoughts.]
Or, "divided thoughts," {saiÆ’phim,} or, as Gesenius renders, {bie Bneybeutigen (in ber Religion)} "ambiguities (or indecisions) in Religion;" Luther, {Flattergeister,} "inconstant fellows;" LXX. [paranomoi,] "transgressors," Vulgate {iniqui,} "iniquitous," and Jerome, {tumultuosos,} "tumultuous."
law <08451> [thy law.]