Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 66:18-19
Tabuh Gendang [KJ.292]
1. Tabuh gendang! Sambil menari nyanyikan lagu yang merdu!
Bunyikanlah gambus, kecapi: mari memuji Allahmu! Karya
Besar yang agung benar t'lah dilakukanNya terhadap umatNya!Kel 15:1-21
Mzm 66
Mzm 98
2. Israel pun atas berkatNya riang gembira bermazmur. Ikut serta
kita percaya dan kepadaNya bersyukur: "Tuhanlah baik, kasihNya
ajaib kekal selamanya; terpuji namaNya!"
Mzm 118:1-4, 29
Mzm 136
3. Dulu telah dari himpitan Ia bebaskan umatNya. Habis mendung
Ia berikan sinar mentari yang cerah! Puji terus yang Mahakudus:
Bebanmu yang berat digantiNya berkat!Mzm 77:17-21
1 Chronicles 29:17-18
[1Ch 29:18] The God Of Abraham Praise
The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned above;
Ancient of everlasting days, and God of Love;
Jehovah, great I AM! by earth and Heav’n confessed;
I bow and bless the sacred Name forever blessed.The God of Abraham praise, at Whose supreme command
From earth I rise—and seek the joys at His right hand;
I all on earth forsake, its wisdom, fame, and power;
And Him my only Portion make, my Shield and Tower.The God of Abraham praise, whose all sufficient grace
Shall guide me all my happy days, in all my ways.
He calls a worm His friend, He calls Himself my God!
And He shall save me to the end, thro’ Jesus’ blood.He by Himself has sworn; I on His oath depend,
I shall, on eagle wings upborne, to Heav’n ascend.
I shall behold His face; I shall His power adore,
And sing the wonders of His grace forevermore.Tho’ nature’s strength decay, and earth and hell withstand,
To Canaan’s bounds I urge my way, at His command.
The wat’ry deep I pass, with Jesus in my view;
And thro’ the howling wilderness my way pursue.The goodly land I see, with peace and plenty bless’d;
A land of sacred liberty, and endless rest.
There milk and honey flow, and oil and wine abound,
And trees of life forever grow with mercy crowned.There dwells the Lord our King, the Lord our righteousness,
Triumphant o’er the world and sin, the Prince of peace;
On Sion’s sacred height His kingdom still maintains,
And glorious with His saints in light forever reigns.He keeps His own secure, He guards them by His side,
Arrays in garments, white and pure, His spotless bride:
With streams of sacred bliss, with groves of living joys—
With all the fruits of Paradise, He still supplies.Before the great Three-One they all exulting stand;
And tell the wonders He hath done, through all their land:
The list’ning spheres attend, and swell the growing fame;
And sing, in songs which never end, the wondrous Name.The God Who reigns on high the great archangels sing,
And “Holy, holy, holy!” cry, “Almighty King!
Who was, and is, the same, and evermore shall be:
Jehovah—Father—great I AM, we worship Thee!”Before the Savior’s face the ransomed nations bow;
O’erwhelmed at His almighty grace, forever new:
He shows His prints of love—they kindle to a flame!
And sound thro’ all the worlds above the slaughtered Lamb.The whole triumphant host give thanks to God on high;
“Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,” they ever cry.
Hail, Abraham’s God, and mine! (I join the heav’nly lays,)
All might and majesty are Thine, and endless praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 17:1
[Psa 17:1] Lord, Hear The Right
Lord, hear the right, regard my cry,
My prayer from lips sincere,
Send Thine approval from on high,
My righteousness make clear.
Thou in the night my heart hast tried,
Nor found it turned from Thee aside.With steadfast courage I design
No wrong to speak or do;
Thy path of life I choose for mine
And walk with purpose true.
For help, O God, I cry to Thee,
Assured that Thou wilt answer me.O Thou that ever savest those
Whose trust on Thee is stayed,
Preserving them from all their foes
By Thine almighty aid,
Let me Thy lovingkindness see,
Thy wondrous mercy, full and free.O guard me well as one would guard
The apple of the eye;
While deadly foes are pressing hard,
To Thee, to Thee I cry;
Do Thou my rest and refuge be,
O let Thy wings o’ershadow me.Mine enemy, grown strong in pride,
Would take my life away,
A lion lurking by my side,
Most greedy for his prey.
Confront and cast him down, O Lord,
From evil save me by Thy sword.Defend me from the men of pride,
Whose portion is below,
Who, with life’s treasures satisfied,
No better portion know;
They, with earth’s joys and wealth content,
Must leave them all when life is spent.When I in righteousness at last
Thy glorious face shall see,
When all the weary night is past,
And I awake with Thee
To view the glories that abide,
Then, then I shall be satisfied.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:1] Sweet Savior! In Thy Pitying Grace
Sweet Savior! in Thy pitying grace
Thy sweetness to our souls impart;
Thou only Lover of our race
Give healing to the wounded heart;
Oh! hear Thy contrite servants’ cry,
And save us, Jesu! lest we die.Long-suffering Jesu! hear our prayer
Who weep before Thee in our shame;
We have no hope but Thee; O spare,
Lord, spare us from th’undying flame;
Oh! hear Thy contrite servants’ cry,
And save us, Jesu! lest we die.All we have broken Thy command;
Lord, help us for Thy mercies’ sake;
Deliver us from Satan’s hand,
And safely to Thy kingdom take;
Oh! hear Thy contrite servants’ cry,
And save us, Jesu! lest we die.We flee for refuge to Thy love,
Salvation of the helpless soul;
Pour down Thy radiance from above,
And make these sin-worn spirits whole:
Oh! hear Thy contrite servants’ cry,
And save us, Jesu! lest we die.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 66:18-19
[Psa 66:19] God From On High Hath Heard
God from on high hath heard;
Let sighs and sorrows cease;
Lo! from the opening Heav’n descends
To man the promised Peace.Hark! through the silent night
Angelic voices swell;
Their joyful songs proclaim that “God
Is born on earth to dwell.”See how the shepherd band
Speed on with eager feet;
Come to the hallowed cave with them
The Holy Babe to greet.But, oh, what sight appears
Within that lowly door!
A manger, stall, and swaddling clothes,
A Child and mother poor!Art Thou the Christ? the Son?
The Father’s image bright?
And see we Him Whose arm upholds
Earth and the starry height?Yea, faith can pierce the cloud
Which veils Thy glory now;
We hail Thee, God, before Whose throne
The angels prostrate bow.A silent Teacher, Lord,
Thou bidd’st us not refuse
To bear what flesh would have us shun,
To shun what flesh would choose.Our sinful pride to cure
With that pure love of Thine,
O be Thou born within our hearts,
Most Holy Child divine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 66:19] My God, Is Any Hour So Sweet
My God, is any hour so sweet
From blush of morn to evening star,
As that which calls me to Thy feet—
The hour of prayer?Blest is that tranquil hour of morn,
And blest that hour of solemn eve,
When, on the wings of prayer upborne,
The world I leave.Then is my strength by Thee renewed;
Then are my sins by Thee forgiv’n;
Then dost Thou cheer my solitude
With hopes of Heav’n.No words can tell what sweet relief
There for my every want I find,
What strength for warfare, balm for grief,
What peace of mind.Hushed is each doubt, gone every fear;
My spirit seems in Heav’n to stay;
And e’en the penitential tear
Is wiped away.Lord, till I reach yon blissful shore,
No privilege so dear shall be
As thus my inmost soul to pour
In prayer to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal