NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Kings 10:12


supports <04552> [pillars. or, rails. Heb. a prop. harps.]

1 Kings 10:1


queen <04436> [A.M. 3014. B.C. 990. And when.]

Sheba <07614> [Sheba.]

heard <08085> [heard.]

Solomon <08034> [concerning.]

challenge .... difficult questions <05254 02420> [prove him.]

1 Kings 1:5


Adonijah <0138> [Adonijah.]

<04984> [exalted.]

king <04427> [I will.]

king <04427> [be king. Heb. reign. and he.]

1 Kings 1:1


old <02204> [old.]

David was probably now about sixty-nine years of age. He was thirty years old when he began to reign, reigned forty, and died in his seventieth year; and the transactions mentioned here are supposed to have taken place about a year before his death. Sixty-nine was not an advanced age; but he had been exhausted with various fatigues, and especially family afflictions, so that he was much older in constitution than in years.

old <0935 03117> [and stricken in years. Heb. and entered into days.]

Psalms 92:1-3


psalm <04210> [A.M. cir 3464. B.C. cir 540. (Title.) A Psalm.]

Calmet and others suppose this Psalm to have been composed by some of the Levites during or near the close of the Babylonian captivity, acknowledging the mercy of God, and foreseeing the destruction of their enemies, and their own return to Jerusalem and the temple service.

Sabbath <07676> [for.]

It is fitting <02896> [good.]

sovereign <05945> [most.]


<05046> [shew.]

night <03915> [every night. Heb. in the nights.]


ten-stringed <06218> [instrument.]

harp <03658> [the harp, etc. or, the solemn sound with the harp. a solemn sound. Heb. Higgaion.]

Psalms 150:3-5


blast <08629> [with the sound.]

horn <07782> [trumpet. or, cornet. the psaltery.]


tambourine <08596> [with the timbrel.]

dancing <04234> [dance. or, pipe.]

149:3 *marg:

stringed <04482> [stringed.]

flute <05748> [organs.]


loud cymbals ...... cymbals <06767 08088> [the loud cymbals.]

Revelation 5:8


four ...... twenty-four <5064> [the four.]

had <2192> [having.]

golden <5552> [golden.]

of incense <2368> [odours. or incense. the prayers.]

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