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1 Kings 14:1


14:1 1 At that time Jeroboam’s son Abijah became sick.

1 Kings 14:5

14:5 But the Lord had told Ahijah, “Look, Jeroboam’s wife is coming to find out from you what will happen to her son, for he is sick. Tell her so-and-so. 2  When she comes, she will be in a disguise.”
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[14:1]  1 tc Some mss of the Old Greek lack vv. 1-20.

[14:5]  2 sn Tell her so-and-so. Certainly the Lord gave Ahijah a specific message to give to Jeroboam’s wife (see vv. 6-16), but the author of Kings here condenses the Lord’s message with the words “so-and-so.” For dramatic effect he prefers to have us hear the message from Ahijah’s lips as he speaks to the king’s wife.

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