Kidung Jemaat
There is no Kidung Jemaat related to this verses.Hymns
1 Kings 16:1--22:53
[1Ki 17:16] By The Poor Widow’s Oil And Meal
By the poor widow’s oil and meal
Elijah was sustained;
Though small the stock it lasted well,
For God the store maintained.It seemed as if from day to day,
They were to eat and die;
But still, though in a secret way,
He sent a fresh supply.Thus to His poor He still will give
Just for the present hour;
But for tomorrow they must live
Upon His word and power.No barn or storehouse they possess
On which they can depend;
Yet have no cause to fear distress,
For Jesus is their Friend.Then let not doubts your mind assail,
Remember, God has said,
“The cruse and barrel shall not fail;
My people shall be fed.”And thus though faint it often seems,
He keeps their grace alive;
Supplied by His refreshing streams,
Their dying hopes revive.Though in ourselves we have no stock,
The Lord is nigh to save;
His door flies open when we knock,
And ’tis but ask and have.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ki 17:16] Is Thy Cruse Of Comfort Wasting?
Is thy cruse of comfort wasting?
Rise, and with thy brother share.
And through all the years of famine
On its bounty ye shall fare.Love divine will fill thy storehouse,
Or thy handful still renew;
Scanty fare for one will often
Make a royal feast for two.For the heart grows rich in giving;
All its wealth is living grain;
Seeds, which mildew in the garner,
Scattered, fill with gold the plain.Is thy burden hard and heavy,
Do thy steps drag wearily?
Help to bear thy brother’s burden;
God will bear both it and thee.Numb and weary on the mountains,
Wouldst thou sleep amidst the snow?
Chafe the frozen form beside thee,
And together both shall grow.Art thou stricken in life’s battle?
Many wounded round thee moan;
Lavish on their wounds thy balsams
And that balm shall heal thine own.Is the heart a well left empty?
None but God its void can fill;
Nothing but a ceaseless fountain
Can its ceaseless longings still.Is the heart a living power?
Self entwined, its strength sinks low;
It can only live in loving,
And by serving love will grow.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ki 18:38] Elijah’s God Still Lives
Elijah made a sacrifice
To offer to Jehovah;
It had been wet with water thrice,
Baal’s sacrifice was over.
Elijah prayed: the fire came down
And licked the water all around;
So doubting ones believed, and found
Elijah’s God was living.Refrain
Elijah’s God still lives today,
To take the guilt of sin away;
And when I pray my heart’s desire,
Upon my soul He sends the fire.Elijah’s God still lives today
And answers still by fire;
My friend, just let Him have His way;
He’ll grant your heart’s desire.
Consume the sacrifice you make,
And bid your slumbr’ing soul awake;
The chains of inbred sin will break;
Elijah’s God is living.Refrain
Elijah’s God still lives today
And answers still by power,
As when Elijah prayed for rain,
God answered with a shower.
If you would have your soul refreshed
With rain that falls from Heaven,
You must “pray through” like all the rest,
And showers shall be given.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ki 18:38] How The Fire Fell
O I love to tell the blessèd story
Since the Lord sanctified me;
For my soul received a flood of glory
When the Lord sanctified me.Refrain
O I never shall forget how the fire fell,
How the fire fell, how the fire fell.
O I never shall forget how the fire fell
When the Lord sanctified me.All my doubts and fears are gone forever
Since the Lord sanctified me;
For His peace flowed o’er me like a river
When the Lord sanctified me.Refrain
To the world no more my heart is turning
Since the Lord sanctified me;
For on me His Spirit fell with burning
When the Lord sanctified me.Refrain
There’s a crown awaiting me in Heaven
Since the Lord sanctified me;
For a heart made clean to me was given
When the Lord sanctified me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ki 18:41] Sweeping This Way
Over the hilltops, down from the skies,
Coming from glory—lift up your eyes!
While we are watching, and while we pray,
A mighty revival is sweeping this way.Refrain
Sweeping this way, yes, sweeping this way,
A mighty revival is sweeping this way.
Keep on believing, trust and obey;
A mighty revival is sweeping this way.As He has promised, so shall it be:
Blessings from glory on you and me—
Waters abundant, floods to o’erflow.
A mighty revival is coming, I know.Refrain
Prophets have told it: in the last days
Hearts shall be filled with glorious praise;
Our sons and daughters, both shall proclaim
The news of redemption thro’ His great Name.Refrain
Tarry for power—this is our need.
Patiently labor, sowing the seed.
Soon comes the harvest—glorious day!
A mighty revival is sweeping this way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ki 19:11] Beyond, Beyond That Boundless Sea
Beyond, beyond that boundless sea,
Above the dome of sky,
Farther than thought itself can flee,
Thy dwelling is on high;
Yet dear the awful thought to me,
That Thou, my God, art nigh.Art nigh, and yet my laboring mind
Feels after Thee in vain,
Thee in these works of power to find,
Or to Thy seat attain;
Thy messenger, the stormy wind;
Thy path, the trackless main;These speak of Thee with loud acclaim:
They thunder forth Thy praise,
The glorious honor of Thy Name,
The wonders of Thy ways;
But Thou art not in tempest-flame,
Nor in day’s glorious blaze.We hear Thy voice, when thunders roll
Through the wide fields of air:
The waves obey Thy dread control;
Yet still Thou art not there.
Where shall I find Him, O my soul,
Who yet is everywhere?O! not in circling depth or height,
But in the conscious breast,
Present to faith, though veiled from sight,
There doth His Spirit rest.
O come, Thou Presence infinite!
And make Thy creature blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ki 19:11] Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind
Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways;
Reclothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives Thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.In simple trust like theirs who heard,
Beside the Syrian sea,
The gracious calling of the Lord,
Let us, like them, without a word,
Rise up and follow Thee.O Sabbath rest by Galilee,
O calm of hills above,
Where Jesus knelt to share with Thee
The silence of eternity,
Interpreted by love!With that deep hush subduing all
Our words and works that drown
The tender whisper of Thy call,
As noiseless let Thy blessing fall
As fell Thy manna down.Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ki 19:12] Hark! There Comes A Whisper
Hark! there comes a whisper
Stealing on thine ear:
’Tis the Savior calling,
Soft, soft and clear.Refrain
“Give thy heart to Me,
Once I died for thee”;
Hark! Hark! thy Savior calls:
Come, sinner, come!With that voice so gentle,
Dost thou hear Him say?
“Tell Me all thy sorrows;
Come, come away!”Refrain
Wouldst thou find a refuge
For thy soul oppressed?
Jesus kindly answers,
“I am thy Rest.”Refrain
At the cross of Jesus,
Let thy burden fall;
While He gently whispers,
“I’ll bear it all.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ki 22:19] God Is Still On The Throne
Have you started for glory and Heaven?
Have you left this old world far behind?
In your heart is the Comforter dwelling?
Can you say, “Praise the Lord, He is mine”?
Have the ones that once walked on the highway
Gone back, and you seem all alone?
Keep your eyes on the prize, for the home in the skies;
God is still on the throne.Refrain
God is still on the throne,
And He will remember His own;
Tho’ trials may press us and burdens distress us,
He never will leave us alone;
God is still on the throne,
He never forsaketh His own;
His promise is true, He will not forget you,
God is still on the throne.Burdened soul, is your heart growing weary
With the toil and the heat of the day?
Does it seem that your path is more thorny
As you journey along on life’s way?
Go away and in secret before Him
Tell your grief to the Savior alone;
He will lighten your care, for He still answers prayer;
God is still on the throne.Refrain
You may live in a tent or a cottage,
Unnoticed by those who pass by;
But a mansion for you He is building
In that beautiful city on high;
It will outshine the wealth and the splendor
Of the richest on earth we have known;
He’s the Architect true, and He’s building for you;
God is still on the throne.Refrain
He is coming again, is the promise
To disciples when He went away;
In like manner as He has gone from you,
You will see Him returning some day;
Does His tarrying cause you to wonder,
Does it seem He’s forgotten His own?
His promise is true, He is coming for you;
God is still on the throne.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal