1 Kings 19:5-7
Elijah and the Angel (1 Kings 19:1-8)
Prophet Elijah in the desert, The
Elijah touched by an angel
Elijah nourished by an angel
Landscape with Elijah and the angel

Jeremiah 31:26
There is no Arts related to this verses.Daniel 8:18
The Ram and the Goat (Daniel 8)
Hircus caprarum super faciem terrae
Vision of Daniel, The
Gabriel and Daniel in the citadel
Goat and little horn, The

(20 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Daniel 8
Daniel 10:8-10
The Vision at Tigris (Daniel 10--12)
Chapters 10 and 12:4-13 focus on the Tigris setting
As I was by the side of the great river … I lifted up mine eyes, and looked
Man upon the waters, The
Vision on the Tigris
Vision upon the Tigris

Luke 9:32
The Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:17)
Transfiguration, The
Transfiguration of Christ

Luke 22:45-46
Praying in Agony (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:40-46)
Agony in the garden, The
Agony in the garden
Praying in the garden
Christ in the Gethsemane garden