1 Kings 2:13
The Death of Adonijah (1 Kings 2:13-25)
Bathsheba brings Adoniah's request to Solomon. The death of Adonijah.
Bathsheba before the throne of Solomon
Death of Adonijah
1 Kings 2:2
David's Charge to Solomon (1 Kings 2:1-9)
David's dying charge to Solomon
He charged Solomon his son
David on his deathbed gives his last admonitions to Solomon
1 Kings 9:22
Solomon Completing His Work (1 Kings 9:10-28; 2 Chronicles 8)
And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh ...
Solomon rebuilds
1 Kings 9:1
There is no Arts related to this verses.1 Kings 12:17-18
The Kingdom Divided (1 Kings 12:1-19; 2 Chronicles 10)
Israelites refuse to accept Rehoboam as their king, The
Arrogance of Rehoboam, The
Israel rebels against Rehoboam
Israel Rebels against Rehoboam

(10 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
1 Kings 12 ;
2 Chronicles 10