1 Kings 20:13-21
Ahab Fights the Arameans (1 Kings 20:1-34)
Slaughter of the Syrians by the Children of Israel
They wrapped ... ropes round their necks
Ahab and Ben-Hadad
1 Kings 20:28-30
Ahab Fights the Arameans (1 Kings 20:1-34)
Slaughter of the Syrians by the Children of Israel
They wrapped ... ropes round their necks
Ahab and Ben-Hadad
1 Kings 20:1
Ahab Fights the Arameans (1 Kings 20:1-34)
Slaughter of the Syrians by the Children of Israel
They wrapped ... ropes round their necks
Ahab and Ben-Hadad
1 Kings 19:14-15
Elijah on Horeb (1 Kings 19:9-18)
Lord appears to Elijah, The
Elijah's vision
Elijah dwelleth in a cave *
God speaks to Elijah

1 Kings 19:2
Elijah and the Angel (1 Kings 19:1-8)
Prophet Elijah in the desert, The
Elijah touched by an angel
Elijah nourished by an angel
Landscape with Elijah and the angel

1 Kings 13:5-16
The Man of God from Judah (1 Kings 13)
Jeroboam and the man of God *
Prophet killed by lion
Disobedient prophet slain by a lion, The
Man of God killed by a lion, The