1 Kings 4:20
Solomon's Splendour, Wealth, and Wisdom (1 Kings 4:20-34;10:14-29; 2 Chronicles 9:13-28)
Solomon on his throne
Solomon's wealth and wisdom
Solomon's wisdom
Kings bring gifts to Solomon

1 Kings 4:25
Solomon's Splendour, Wealth, and Wisdom (1 Kings 4:20-34;10:14-29; 2 Chronicles 9:13-28)
Solomon on his throne
Solomon's wealth and wisdom
Solomon's wisdom
Kings bring gifts to Solomon

1 Kings 4:1
There is no Arts related to this verses.1 Kings 21:5
Naboth's Vineyard (1 Kings 21)
Treachery of Jezebel
Jezebel has Naboth killed
Elijah reproves King Ahab for killing Naboth
Naboth in his vineyard

(11 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
1 Kings 21
1 Kings 1:23-24
David Appoints Solomon (1 Kings 1:11-31)
Bathsheba at David's feet
Bathsheba asks David to proclaim Solomon king
David on his deathbed appoints Solomon his successor
Nathan and Bathsheba before David