1 Kings 8:28-30
Prayer, Blessing, and Dedication (1 Kings 8:12-66; 2 Chronicles 6:1--7:10)
Prayer of Solomon
Fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt-offering
Solomon offers sacrifices at the dedication of the temple
Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the temple

Ezra 9:5
Ezra's Prayer (Ezra 9)
Ezra in prayer
I rent my garment and my mantle
Psalms 74:10-11
Psalms 74: Remember the People You Purchased (Psalms 74)
Psalms 91:1-2
Psalms 91: Under God's Protection (Psalms 91)
Psalm 91
Watchers in the night *
Angels unseen
Under His wings

Psalms 123:1-4
Psalms 123: I Lift Up My Eyes to You (Psalms 123)
Psalm 123
I have lifted up my eyes to you who dwell in Heaven
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 123