1 Peter 4:1
Context4:1 So, since Christ suffered 1 in the flesh, you also arm yourselves with the same attitude, because the one who has suffered in the flesh has finished with sin, 2
1 Peter 4:16
Context4:16 But if you suffer as a Christian, 3 do not be ashamed, but glorify 4 God that you bear such a name. 5

[4:1] 1 tc Most
[4:1] 2 sn Has finished with sin. The last sentence in v. 1 may refer to Christ as the one who suffered in the flesh (cf. 2:21, 23; 3:18; 4:1a) and the latter part would then mean, “he has finished dealing with sin.” But it is more likely that it refers to the Christian who suffers unjustly (cf. 2:19-20; 3:14, 17). This shows that he has made a break with sin as vs. 2 describes.
[4:16] 3 tn The verb is implied by the context but not expressed; Grk “but if as a Christian.”
[4:16] 4 tn These are third-person imperatives in Greek (“if [one of you suffers] as a Christian, let him not be ashamed…let him glorify”), but have been translated as second-person verbs since this is smoother English idiom.