1 Samuel 1:6
rival <06869> [adversary.]
upset ...... worry <03707 03708> [provoked her. Heb. angered her.]
1 Samuel 2:10
adversaries .... against <07378> [adversaries.]
heavens <08064> [out of heaven.]
The LXX. insert, "Let not the wise glory in his wisdom, nor the strong glory in his strength, nor the rich glory in his riches; but let him who glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth the Lord, and executeth judgment and righteousness in the midst of the earth."
thunders <07481> [he thunder.]
executes <01777> [judge.]
will <05414> [he shall.]
exalt <07311> [exalt.]
anointed one <04899> [anointed.]
1 Samuel 7:10
thundered <07481> [thundered.]
panic <02000> [discomfited.]