NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 13:5


3,000 chariots 6,000 <07970 0505 07393> [thirty thousand chariots.]

The Philistines had no doubt collected troops in this emergency, from all the surrounding nation; but the number of chariots is immensely large beyond any example, and wholly disproportioned to the number of their cavalry. It is probable, therefore, that for {sheloshim aileph,} "thirty thousand," we should read {shelosh aileph,} "three thousand," with the Syriac and Arabic.

sand <02344> [as the sand.]

Beth Aven <01007> [Beth-aven.]

1 Samuel 13:23


garrison <04673> [garrison. or, standing camp.]

pass <04569> [passage.]

Ezra 2:27


Micmash <04363> [Michmas.]


Isaiah 10:28


attacked <0935> [He is come.]

This is a prophetical description of the march of Sennacherib's army approaching Jerusalem in order to invest it, and of the terror and confusion spreading and increasing through the several places as he advanced; expressed with great brevity, but finely diversified. Aiath, or Ai, was situated a little east of Bethel about twelve miles north of Jerusalem; Michmash about three miles nearer, where there was a narrow pass between two sharp hills; Geba and Ramah about three miles more to the south; Gibeah a mile and a half more southward; Anathoth within three miles of Jerusalem; to the westward of which, towards Lydda, was Nob, from which place Sennacherib might have a prospect of Zion, and near which, it would appear, his army was destroyed.

Aiath <05857> [Aiath.]


Migron <04051> [Migron.]

Micmash <04363> [Michmash.]

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