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1 Samuel 15:3


<03212> [Now go.]

The Amalekites, a people of Arabia Petr‘a, who inhabited a tract of country on the frontiers of Egypt and Canaan, had acted with great cruelty towards the Israelites on their coming out of Egypt, and God then purposed that Amalek, as a nation, should be blotted out from under heaven; but it had been spared till it had filled up the measure of its iniquities, and now this purpose is carried into effect by Saul, upwards of 400 years afterwards! Nothing could justify such an exterminating decree but the absolute authority of God; and this was given: all the reasons of it we do not know; but this we know well, the Judge of all the earth doeth right.

Destroy <02763> [utterly destroy.]

death <04191> [slay.]

ox sheep <07794 07716> [ox and sheep.]

Deuteronomy 25:17-19



unafraid <03373> [feared.]


Lord <03068> [when the.]

wipe out ............ forget <04229 07911> [thou shalt.]

Joshua 6:21


annihilated <02763> [And they.]

The Canaanites were ripe for destruction; and God was pleased, instead of destroying them by a pestilence, a famine, or an earthquake, to employ the Israelites as the executioners of his vengeance. Had an angel been commissioned to slay them, who would have charged him with iniquity or cruelty? In all public calamities infants are involved; and tens of thousands of infants die in great agony every year. Now, either God is not the agent in these calamities, (which opinion, though often implied in men's reasonings on these subjects, is not far from atheism;) or they must consist with the most perfect justice and goodness.

annihilated <02763> [utterly.]

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