1 Samuel 18:25-27
price .... bride <04119> [dowry.]
hundred <03967> [but an hundred.]
That is, Thou shalt slay one hundred Philistines, and thou shalt produce their foreskins as a proof, not only that thou hast killed one hundred men, but that these are of the uncircumcised Philistines.
foreskins <06190> [foreskins.]
avenged <05358> [to be avenged.]
thinking <02803> [thought.]
time ..... expired <03117> [the days.]
expired <04390> [expired. Heb. fulfilled.]
<0582> [his men.]
struck down <05221> [slew.]
men ........ hundred ... men <03967 0376> [two hundred men.]
The Septuagint has only [ ,] one hundred men; and as Saul covenanted for a hundred, as David himself says, (2 Sa 3:14,) that he espoused Michal for a hundred, it is very probable that this is the true reading.