NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 18:7-8


sang <06030> [answered.]

Saul <07586> [Saul.]


statement <01697> [the saying.]

[displeased him. Heb. was evil in his eyes.]

Nu 11:1 22:34 *margins [All]

kingdom <04410> [and what.]

1 Samuel 18:15-16


successful <07919> [wisely.]


Israel <03478> [all Israel.]

leading ... out <03318> [he went.]

1 Samuel 18:30


leaders <08269> [the princes.]

Of this war we know no more than that David, whose military skill was greater, was more successful in it, than all the other officers of Saul.

Then ........ march out ........ so <03318> [went forth.]

did .... achieved <07919> [behaved himself.]

esteem <03365> [set by. Heb. precious.]

1 Samuel 18:2


retained ..... day <03947 03117> [took him.]

1 Samuel 14:25


army <0776> [all they.]

honey <01706> [honey.]

This was wild honey, which to this day abounds in Judea; and bursting from the comb, runs down the hollow trees, rocks, etc.

1 Samuel 15:6-12


Kenites ..................................... Kenites <07017> [the Kenites.]

leave .................................. withdrew <03212 05493> [Go, depart.]

<06213> [ye shewed.]


struck down <05221> [smote.]

Havilah <02341> [Havilah.]

This Havilah was probably situated in Arabia, and the district of Chaulon may mark the spot. It seems different from that encompassed by the river Pison, one of the rivers of Eden.

Shur <07793> [Shur.]


Agag <090> [Agag.]

Agag's <02763> [utterly.]


best <04315> [the best.]

fatlings <04932> [the fatlings. or, the second sort.]


regret ..... made <05162 04427> [repenteth me.]

turned <07725> [turned.]

done <06965> [hath not performed.]

angry <02734> [it grieved.]

cried <02199> [he cried.]


Carmel <03760> [Carmel.]

setting up <05324> [he set him.]

monument <03027> [a place. Yad.]

Literally as the LXX. render [cheira,] a hand; probably because the trophy or monument of victory was in the shape of a large hand, the emblem of power, erected on a pillar. These memorial pillars were anciently much in use; and the figure of a hand, by its emblematical meaning, was well adapted to preserve the remembrance of a victory. Niebuhr, speaking of the Mesjed Ali, or Mosque of Ali, says that, "at the top of the dome, where one generally sees on the Turkish mosques a crescent, or only a pole, there is here a hand stretched out, to represent that of Ali." Another writer informs us, that at the Alhamra, or red palace of the Moorish kings in Grenada, "on the key-stone of the outward arch [of the present principal entrance] is sculptured the figure of an arm, the symbol of strength and dominion."

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