1 Samuel 2:33-34
The Boy Samuel, and Eli's Wicked Sons (1 Samuel 2:11-36)
Samuel and Eli
Samuel before Eli
Scandalous deportment of the sons of Eli, The
Angel prophesies to Eli the coming undoing of himself and his family, An

1 Samuel 2:2
Samuel's Birth and Dedication (1 Samuel 1:19--2:10)
Samuel brought before Eli
Samuel presented to Eli by Hannah in the temple at Shiloh
Hannah delivers Samuel to the priest Eli
Elkanah with his wives Hannah and Peninnah

1 Samuel 1:28
Samuel's Birth and Dedication (1 Samuel 1:19--2:10)
Samuel brought before Eli
Samuel presented to Eli by Hannah in the temple at Shiloh
Hannah delivers Samuel to the priest Eli
Elkanah with his wives Hannah and Peninnah

Esther 8:6
The Jews Are Saved (Esther 8)
So the posts that rode upon mules and camels went out
Esther asks Ahasuerus to revoke the decree against the Jews. The death of Haman.
Mordecai receives the king's ring
Mordecai receives the king's ring

Jeremiah 52:10-11
The Fall of Jerusalem (2 Kings 24:20--25:21; 2 Chronicles 36:11-21; Jeremiah 39:1-14;52:3-30)
Jerusalem burnt by Nebuzaradan
Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem
Nebuzaradan carries into exile the remaining people in the city
Capture of Jerusalem

(40 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
2 Kings 24 ;
2 Kings 25 ;
2 Chronicles 36 ;
Jeremiah 39 ;
Jeremiah 52