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1 Samuel 22:20-21


one <0259> [one.]

But one .......... escaped <04422> [escaped.]

1 Samuel 23:2-9


asked <07592> [enquired.]

In what way David made this enquiry we are not told; but it was probably by means of Abiathar; and therefore it would seem, that with Houbigant, we should read the sixth verse immediately after the first.--This adventure was truly noble and patriotic. Had not David loved his country, and been above all motives of private and personal revenge, he would have rejoiced in this invasion of Judea, as producing a strong diversion in his favour, and embroiling his inveterate enemy. In most cases, a man with David's wrongs would have joined with the enemies of his country, and avenged himself on the author of his calamities; but he thinks of nothing but succouring Keilah, and using his power and influence in behalf of his brethren.


<03373> [Behold.]


again <03254> [yet again.]

give <05414> [for I will.]


Abiathar <054> [when Abiathar.]

ephod <0646> [an ephod.]


God ... delivered <0430 05234> [A.M. 2943. B.C. 1061. An. Ex. Is. 430. God hath.]

delivered him ........ boxed <05462> [he is shut.]


David <01732> [David.]

Bring <05066> [Bring.]

1 Samuel 23:1


Keilah <07084> [Keilah.]

Keilah was a city of Judah, situated, according to Eusebius, eight miles from Eleutheropolis, towards Hebron. Sozomen says that the prophet Habakkuk's tomb was shewn there.

looting ... threshing floors <08154 01637> [rob the.]

1 Samuel 2:26


growing <01432 01980> [grew on.]

finding favor <02896> [was in.]

Mark 2:26


Abiathar <8> [Abiathar.]

It appears from the passage referred to here, that Ahimelech was then high priest at Nob; and from other passages, that Abiathar was his son. Various conjectures have been formed in order to solve this difficulty; and some, instead of untying, have cut the knot, by pronouncing it an interpolation. The most probable opinion seems to be, that both father and son had two names, the father being also called Abiathar; and this appears almost certain from 2 Sa 8:17; 1 Ch 18:16, where Ahimelech seems evidently termed Abiathar, while Abiathar is called Ahimelech or Abimelech. (Compare 1 Ki 2:26, 27.)

which is against the law <3739 1832 3756> [which is not lawful.]

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