1 Samuel 23:14-18
hill country <02022> [a mountain.]
desert ......... desert <04057> [the wilderness.]
Ziph is mentioned in Joshua with Carmel and Maon, near which it seems to have been situated; and as we have mention of Carmel and Maon in the history of David, as adjoining to Ziph, it cannot be doubted that by the Ziph, in the wilderness of which David now lay, and where was the hill of Hachilah, is to be understood Ziph near Carmel and Maon.
Saul <07586> [Saul.]
God <0430> [but God.]
encouraged him <02388> [strengthened.]
De 3:28 Ne 2:18 Job 4:3,4 16:5 Pr 27:9,17 Ec 4:9-12
Isa 35:3,4 Eze 13:22 Lu 22:32,43 Eph 6:10 2Ti 2:1
Heb 12:12,13 [All]
afraid .... hand <03372 03027> [Fear not.]
find <04672> [shall not.]
rule <04427> [thou shalt be.]
second <04932> [I shall be.]
Saul ..................... Saul <07586> [that also Saul.]