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1 Samuel 29:1


Philistines <06430> [the Philistines.]

Aphek <0663> [Aphek.]

Jezreel <03157> [Jezreel.]

1 Samuel 29:11


Philistines .... Philistines <06430> [And the Philistines.]

Jezreel <03157> [Jezreel.]

Jezreel, or Esdr‘lon, was a city of Issachar, afterwards celebrated as the residence of the kings of Israel, delightfully situated in the extensive and fertile plain of the same name, which extends from Scythopolis or Bethshan on the east to mount Carmel on the west. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that it was in their time a place of considerable consequence, lying between Scythopolis on the east and Legio on the west; and the latter (on Ho 1.) informs us that it was pretty near Maximianopolis. The Jerusalem Itinerary places it ten miles west from Scythopolis; and William of Tyre says it was called Little Gerinum in his time, and that there was a fine fountain in it, whose waters fell into the Jordan near Scythopolis. See ver. 1.

1 Samuel 31:1-10


Philistines ............. Philistines <06430> [the Philistines.]

fell <05307> [fell down.]

dead <02491> [slain. Heb. wounded. Gilboa.]

Eusebius and Jerome place this mountain six miles west from Bethshan, where was a large place called Gelbus. The natives still call it Djebel Gilbo.


heels <01692> [followed.]

Jonathan <03083> [Jonathan.]

Saul ........ Saul's sons <07586 01121> [Saul's sons.]


thick <03513> [went sore.]

archers spotted <04672 03384> [archers hit him. Heb. shooters, men with bows, found him.]


Draw <08025> [Draw.]

uncircumcised people <06189> [uncircumcised.]

bearer ................... torture ...... bearer <05953 05375> [abuse me. or, mock me. he was sore.]

Saul ........................................ Saul <07586> [Saul.]

sword ................................... sword <02719> [a sword.]

{Eth hacherve,} rather, "the sword," i.e., his armour- bearer's, who, according to the Jews, was Doeg; and if so, then Saul and his executioner fell by the same sword with which they massacred the priests of God.




abandoned ... cities <05800 05892> [they forsook the cities.]


strip <06584> [to strip.]


cut off <03772> [cut off.]

announce <01319> [to publish.]


placed <07760> [they put.]

The Philistines placed the armour of Saul in the temple of Ashtaroth as a trophy of victory, and a testimony of their gratitude, in the same manner as David placed the sword of Goliath in the tabernacle.

Ashtoreths <06252> [Ashtaroth.]

Beth Shan <01052> [Bethshan.]

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