Kidung Jemaat
1 Timothy 1:9-17
Allahkulah Kuatku dan Mazmurku [KJ.62]
1. Allahkulah kuatku dan mazmurku;
namaNya dan karyaNya mahaagung; segala alam milikNya.
Mzm 118:14
2. Terciptalah semua oleh firman;
yang ada itu pun lenyap dan hilang jikalau dititahkanNya.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 33:6-9
Mzm 104:29-30
3. PakaianNya semarak bercahaya;
Dialah Raja untuk selamaNya; yang adil dasar takhtaNya.
Mzm 104:1-2
Mzm 97:1-2
4. Ya Tuhanku, Engkau selalu hadir;
Allahku tanpa awal, tanpa akhir, siapa menandingiMu?
1 Tim 1:17
Yes 40:25
5. Di tanganMu aku ten'tram dan aman;
Engkau kenal yang bakal kurancangkan, Engkau periksa hatiku.
Mzm 139:4, 23
6. Engkau dekat, jalanku Kaumaklumi
ke batas laut dan ke ujung bumi, di tiap waktu dan tempat.
Mzm 139:7-12
7. Pikiranku dan hasratku Kaubaca;
setiap tindak, yang benar dan salah, terbuka bagi mataMu.
Mzm 139:1-3
8. MilikMulah segala yang 'ku punya;
dengan semua patut kuagungkan namaMu, Tuhan, s'lamanya.
1 Kor 6:19-20
9. Kembang kecil cerminan hikmat Tuhan;
udara, laut, padang, pegunungan memuji Dikau bertahlil.
Mat 6:28-29
Mzm 148:7-10
10. Engkau beri segala keperluan;
Kausiram tanah, padi Kautumbuhkan: Kaubuka sumber rezeki.
Im 26:4-5
Mzm 104:10-18
Mzm 104:27-28
11. Tanpa Engkau tiada pipit jatuh;
hidupku pun berada di tanganMu: rahmatMu, Bapa, tidak jauh.
Mat 10:29-31
12. Pelindungku Engkau, ya Sumber s'lamat;
'ku tak gentar: di dunia dan akhirat Engkau tempatku berteduh.Mzm 142:6
Play Muliakan Allah yang Esa [KJ.45]
1. Muliakanlah Allah Yang Esa di sorga maha tinggi,
sebab kekal selamanya selamat kita ini;
yang berkenan kepadaNya beroleh damai yang baka,
dendam pun tiada lagi.
Luk 2:14
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujian, hormat dan sembah terimalah, ya Bapa.
Engkaulah Raja semesta kekal segala abad.
KuasaMu tiada bandingnya di sorga dan di dunia;
Engkaulah Allah kami!
Why 4:11
Mzm 95-99
3. Ya Yesus Kristus, Penebus, ya Putra Tunggal Allah,
dengan darahMu yang kudus Kauhapus aib dan salah;
ya Anakdomba mulia, seruan doa t'rimalah dan kasihani kami!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Why 5:9, 11
4. Ya roh Kudus berkurnia, Penghibur yang terkarib,
kawananMu kuatkanlah di dalam Yang Tersalib,
supaya kami pun teguh terhadap goda dan keluh;
diami hati kami!Yoh 14:26
Rm 15:13
1 Kor 2:4-6
Play Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja [KJ.10]
1. Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja yang Mahamulia!
Segenap hati dan jiwaku, pujilah Dia!
Datang berkaum, brilah musikmu bergaung,
Angkatlah puji - pujian !
Mzm 103:1-2
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujilah Tuhan; segala kuasa padaNya!
Sayap kasihNya yang aman mendukung AnakNya!
Tiada ter'pri yang kepadamu dib'ri;
Tidakkah itu kaurasa?
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
3. Pujilah Tuhan yang bijak menggubah tubuhmu;
dalam kasihNya seluruh hidupmu tertuntun;
hatimu tahu: berulang kali engkau
oleh sayapNya terlindung.
Mzm 139:13-15
Mzm 17:8
Mzm 36:8
Mzm 57:2
4. Pujilah Tuhan yang dapat dan mau melakukan
jauh melebihi doamu dan yang kau rindukan.
Ingat teguh: Ia berkuasa penuh!
KasihNya t'rus kautemukan.
Ef 3:20
5. Pujilah Tuhan! Hai jiwaku, mari bernyanyi!
Semua mahluk bernafas, iringilah kami!
Puji terus Nama Yang Maha Kudus!
Padukan suaramu: Amin.Mzm 150
1 Timothy 1:9-17
[1Ti 1:15] Chief Of Sinners
Chief of sinners though I be,
Jesus shed His blood for me;
Died that I might live on high,
Died that I might never die;
As the branch is to the vine,
I am His, and He is mine.O the height of Jesus’ love!
Higher than the Heaven above;
Deeper than the deepest sea,
Lasting as eternity;
Love that found me—wondrous thought!
Found me when I sought Him not!Jesus only can impart
Balm to heal the smitten heart;
Peace that flows from sin forgiven,
Joy that lifts the soul to Heaven;
Faith and hope to walk with God
In the way that Enoch trod.Chief of sinners though I be,
Christ is all in all to me;
All my wants to Him are known,
All my sorrows are His own;
Safe with Him from earthly strife,
He sustains the hidden life.O my Savior, help afford
By Thy Spirit and Thy Word!
When my wayward heart would stray,
Keep me in the narrow way;
Grace in time of need supply
While I live and when I die.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 1:15] O Christ, Redeemer Of Our Race
O Christ, Redeemer of our race,
Thou Brightness of the Father’s face,
Of Him, and with Him ever One,
Ere times and seasons had begun.Thou art that very Light of Light,
Unfailing hope in sin’s dark night,
Hear Thou the prayers Thy people pray,
The wide world o’er, this blessèd day.Remember, Lord of life and grace,
How once, to save a ruined race,
Thou didst our very flesh assume
In Mary’s undefilèd womb.Today, as year by year its light
Sheds o’er the world a radiance bright,
One precious truth is echoed on,
“’Tis Thou hast saved us, Thou alone.”Thou from the Father’s throne didst come
To call His banished children home;
And Heav’n, and earth, and sea and shore
His love Who sent Thee here adore.And gladsome too are we today,
Whose guilt Thy blood has washed away;
Redeemed the new made song we sing;
It is the birthday of our King.O Lord, the Virgin born, to Thee
Eternal praise and glory be,
Whom with the Father we adore
And Holy Ghost forevermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 1:17] Dear Father, Whom We Cannot See
Dear Father, whom we cannot see,
We know that Thou art near;
With longing hearts we turn to Thee,
And ask that Thou wilt set us free
From war and hate and fear.Dear Father, King of love and peace,
We know that Thou art strong;
Make conflicts everywhere to cease,
Let mercy everywhere increase,
And kindness conquer wrong.Dear Father, Lord of sea and land,
We know that Thou art wise;
O make the nations understand
That only by Thy guiding hand
Can lasting peace arise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 1:17] Far Off, O God, And Yet Most Near
Far off, O God, and yet most near,
Unseen, yet shining clear in all,
Thy presence moves, Thy ways appear,
In system’s rise and sparrow’s fall.Thy purpose through the ages ran,
Thy Word Thy prophets bore abroad,
Thy love became a Son of Man,
To make men with Him sons of God.Our eyes Thy loveliness discern,
Where nature weaves Thy wondrous dress,
And in sweet human lives we learn
The beauty of Thy holiness.Our lives within Thy being stand,
Our sciences omniscience prove,
Thy law is but Thy clasping hand,
Thine order is Thy perfect love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 1:17] God Eternal, Mighty King
God eternal, mighty King,
Unto Thee our praise we bring;
All the earth doth worship Thee;
We amid the throng would be.
Holy, holy, holy! cry
Angels, round Thy throne on high
Lord of all the heav’nly pow’rs,
Be the same loud anthem ours.Glorified apostles raise
Night and day, continual praise;
Hast not Thou a mission, too,
For Thy children here to do?
With the prophets’ goodly line
We in mystic bond combine;
For Thou hast to babes revealed
Things that to the wise were sealed.Martyrs, in a noble host,
Of the cross are heard to boast;
Oh, that we our cross may bear,
And a crown of glory wear.
God eternal, mighty King,
Unto Thee our praise we bring;
To the Father, and the Son,
And the Spirit, Three in One.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 1:17] Hark, The Voice Eternal
Hark! the voice eternal, robed in majesty,
Caging into being earth and sea and sky
Hark! in countless numbers all the angel throng
Hail creation’s morning with one burst of song.
High in regal glory, ’mid eternal light,
Reign, O King immortal, holy, infinite.Bright the world and glorious, calm both earth and sea,
Noble in its grandeur stood man’s purity;
Came the great transgression, came the saddening fall,
Death and desolation breathing over all.
Still in regal glory, ’mid eternal light,
Reigned the King immortal, holy, infinite.Long the nations waited, through the troubled night,
Looking, longing, yearning, for the promised light.
Prophets saw the morning breaking far away,
Minstrels sang the splendor of that opening day;
Whilst in regal glory, ’mid eternal light,
Reigned the King immortal, holy, infinite.Brightly dawned the advent of the newborn King,
Joyously the watchers heard the angels sing.
Sadly closed the evening of His hallowed life,
As the noontide darkness veiled the last dread strife
Lo! again in glory, ’mid eternal light,
Reigns the King immortal, holy, infinite.Lo! again He cometh, robed in clouds of fight,
As the Judge eternal, armed with power and might.
Nations to His footstool gathered then shall be;
Earth shall yield her treasures, and her dead, the sea.
Till the trumpet soundeth, ’mid eternal light
Reign, thou King immortal, holy, infinite.Jesus! Lord and Master, Prophet, Priest, and King,
To thy feet, triumphant, hallowed praise we bring.
Thine the pain and weeping, Thine the victory;
Power, and praise, and honor, be, O Lord, to Thee.
High in regal glory, ’mid eternal light,
Reign, O King immortal, holy, infinite.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 1:17] Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessèd, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious, Thy great Name we praise.Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;
Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above
Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.To all, life Thou givest, to both great and small;
In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish—but naught changeth Thee.Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
But of all Thy rich graces this grace, Lord, impart
Take the veil from our faces, the vile from our heart.All laud we would render; O help us to see
’Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee,
And so let Thy glory, Almighty, impart,
Through Christ in His story, Thy Christ to the heart.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 1:17] Lord, We Are Blind
Lord, we are blind, we mortals blind,
We can’t behold Thy bright abode;
O ’tis beyond a creature mind
To glance a thought half way to God!Infinite leagues beyond the sky
The great Eternal reigns alone,
Where neither wings nor souls can fly,
Nor angels climb the topless throne.The Lord of glory builds His seat
Of gems insufferably bright,
And lays beneath His sacred feet
Substantial beams of gloomy night.Yet, glorious Lord, Thy gracious eyes
Look through and cheer us from above
Beyond our praise Thy grandeur flies,
Yet we adore, and yet we love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ti 1:17] O Christ, The Heavens’ Eternal King
O Christ, the heavens’ eternal King,
Creator, unto Thee we sing,
With God the Father ever One,
Co-equal, co-eternal Son.Thy hand, when the first the world began,
Made in Thine own pure image man,
And linked to fleshly form of earth
A living soul of heavenly birth.And when the envious crafty foe
Had marred Thy noblest work below,
Thou didst our ruined state repair
By deigning flesh Thyself to wear.Once of a virgin born to save,
And now new born from death’s dark grave,
O Christ, Thou bidd’st us rise with Thee
From death to immortality.Eternal Shepherd, Thou art wont
To cleanse Thy sheep within the font,
That mystic bath, that grave of sin,
Where ransomed souls new life begin.Divine Redeemer, Thou didst deign
To bear for us the cross of pain,
And freely pay the precious price
Of all Thy blood in sacrifice.Jesu, do Thou to every heart
Unceasing Paschal joy impart;
From death of sin and guilty strife
Set free the new born sons of life.All praise be Thine, O risen Lord,
From death to endless life restored;
All praise to God the Father be
And Holy Ghost eternally.Play source: Cyberhymnal