Genesis 22:1-24
The Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19)
Abraham sacrifices Isaac, an angel restrains his sword
Sacrifice of Abraham, The
Abraham and Isaac

(144 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Genesis 22
Genesis 15:2
Stars and Covenant (Genesis 15)
God's promise to Abraham is guaranteed by a sacrifice
God shows Abram the stars
Deep sleep fell upon Abram and a horror seizes him, A
Try to count the stars

(19 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Genesis 15
Genesis 24:2
Eliezer and Rebekah (Genesis 24:1-61)
Rebekah offers Eliezer a drink from her pitcher
Rebekah waters the camels
Abraham's servant meets Rebekah
Rebekah at the well

Genesis 41:40-41
In Charge of Egypt (Genesis 41:37-57;47:13-26)
Joseph is led through the city on Pharaoh's chariot
Joseph - overseer of the Pharaoh's granaries
Stories of Joseph
Joseph selling wheat to the people

Proverbs 14:35
The Ways of Wisdom and of Folly (Proverbs 14)
Way that seems right to a man, A
Fountain in the wilderness
Refusing to help the poor
He that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he

(8 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 14
Proverbs 17:2
The Discerning Keeps Wisdom in View (Proverbs 17)
Friend loveth at all times, A
David's grief over Absalom
Fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold, The
Children's children are a crown to the aged

(7 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 17
Proverbs 22:29
The Words of the Wise (Proverbs 22:17--24:34)
Field of sloth, The
(GRAY, A.)
To eat with a ruler
Thorns had come up everywhere
I went by the field of the slothful

Proverbs 27:18
A Friend Is Faithful (Proverbs 27)
Shepherd Slinger Protecting His Flock
Fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold, The
Give careful attention to your herds
He who tends a fig tree will eat its fruit

(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 27
Acts 20:28
Farewell to the Ephesian Elders (Acts 20:17-38)
St. Paul takes leave from the elders of Ephesus
Paul's farewell to the Ephesian elders
Paul's address to the Ephesian elders
Paul's farewell to the Ephesian elders