2 Chronicles 22:6-9
returned <07725> [And he returned.]
received ...... Ramah <05221 07414> [which were given him. Heb. wherewith they wounded him.]
Azariah. Ahaziah, ['chzyhw, <\\See definition 0274\\>,] and Jehoahaz, [yhw'chz <\\See definition 03059\\>,] are essentially the same both in letters and sense, the word [yhw,] {yeho,} or [yh, <\\See definition 03050\\>,] {yah,} being merely transposed: but Azariah, [`zryhw, <\\See definition 05838\\>,] seems to have been a distinct name by which he was known.
[Jehoahaz. to see Jehoram.]
downfall <08395> [destruction. Heb. treading down.]
God <0430> [was of God.]
out <03318> [he went out.]
Lord ... commissioned <03068 04886> [the Lord had.]
Jehu <03058> [when Jehu.]
looked ... Ahaziah .............................................. Ahaziah's <0274 01245> [he sought Ahaziah.]
The account in the parallel passage is somewhat different. "The current of the story at large is this," says Dr. Lightfoot: "Jehu slayeth Joram in the field of Jezreel, as Ahaziah and Joram were together: Ahaziah seeing this, flies, and gets into Samaria, and hides himself there. Jehu marches to Jezreel, and makes Jezebel dogs' meat: from thence sends to Samaria for the heads of Ahab's children and posterity; which are brought him by night, and shewed to the people in the morning. Then he marches to Samaria, and, by the way, slayeth forty-two of Ahab's kinsmen, and findeth Jehonadab, the father of the Rechabites. Coming into Samaria, he maketh search for Ahaziah: they find him hid, bring him to Jehu, and he commands to carry him towards Gur, by Ibleam, and there to slay him. They do so: smite him in his chariot, and his charioteer driveth away to Megiddo before he dies." "2 Ki 9:27, at Megiddo, in the kingdom of Samaria."
Samaria <08111> [in Samaria.]
reasoned <0559> [Because.]
son ... Jehoshaphat <03092 01121> [the son of Jehoshaphat.]
family <01004> [the house.]