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2 Chronicles 24:6


made <01875> [Why hast thou.]

tax <04864> [the collection.]

This was the poll-tax fixed by Moses, of half a shekel, which was levied on every man of twenty years old and upwards, as "a ransom for their souls, that there might be no plague among them."

tent <0168> [tabernacle.]

Matthew 17:24-27


they <846> [when.]

temple tax ........... double drachma tax <1323> [tribute.]

"Gr. didrachma, in value fifteen pence."

This tribute seems to have been the half shekel which every male among the Jews paid yearly for the support of the temple, and which was continued by them, wherever dispersed, till after the time of Vespasian.


Yes <3483> [Yes.]

to him ........ From .......... from their .... from <575 846> [of their.]


<3363> [lest.]

Take ........ and .............. Take .......... and <2532 2983 142> [and take.]

a four drachma coin <4715> [a piece of money.]

"Or, a stater, half an ounce of silver, value 2s. 6d., after 5s. the ounce."

Take that <1565 2983> [that take.]

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