2 Chronicles 3:16
The Temple's Furnishings (1 Kings 7:13-51; 2 Chronicles 2:13; 2 Chronicles 3:14--4:22)
Bronze sea, The
Bronze sea
Bronze sea
Interior of the temple of Solomon, The

2 Chronicles 8:10
Solomon Completing His Work (1 Kings 9:10-28; 2 Chronicles 8)
And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh ...
Solomon rebuilds
2 Chronicles 17:16-18
Jehoshaphat Strengthening His Kingdom (2 Chronicles 17)
Went about throughout all the cities of Judah, and taught the people
(1 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
2 Chronicles 17
2 Chronicles 24:15
Joash Repairs the Temple (2 Kings 12:4-16; 2 Chronicles 24:4-16)
Princes and all the people … cast into the chest, The
Joash raises money to repair the temple
King and his people caring for God's house, A
Brought their tax money

2 Chronicles 26:12
King Azariah (Uzziah) (2 Kings 15:1-7; 2 Chronicles 26)
King Uzziah stricken with leprosy
Punishment in the temple - King Uzziah becomes a leper
Fault of the king, The
Dreaded skin-disease broke out on his forehead, A *